Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Moisty |
<Moisty> of Bleeding Hollow We are an active Mythic raiding guild on the Horde side of Bleeding Hollow that has been around since November 2008. Cleared/farmed all end game content since Wrath. VOTI - US 79 Raid Times We add a raid day at the beginning of each tier (Monday 8:30p-12a) for the first 2 weeks of prog If we are not currently recruiting your class, we still encourage you to apply if you feel you can be a strong addition to the guild. Recruitment Contacts(Discord) You can fill out an app here. http://bit.ly/moistyapp !!! BEWARE OF SCAMMERS USING OUR GUILD NAME TO SELL FAKE RUNS AND TAKE YOUR GOLD !!! Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |
Über Moisty |
<Moisty> of Bleeding Hollow We are an active Mythic raiding guild on the Horde side of Bleeding Hollow that has been around since November 2008. Cleared/farmed all end game content since Wrath. VOTI - US 79 Raid Times We add a raid day at the beginning of each tier (Monday 8:30p-12a) for the first 2 weeks of prog If we are not currently recruiting your class, we still encourage you to apply if you feel you can be a strong addition to the guild. Recruitment Contacts(Discord) You can fill out an app here. http://bit.ly/moistyapp !!! BEWARE OF SCAMMERS USING OUR GUILD NAME TO SELL FAKE RUNS AND TAKE YOUR GOLD !!! Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |