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<STARVD> Is a guild Thats been around Legion Raiding, Pvping, and running Keys. Over the years we became a close group of friends that welcomes any and all making them feel like apart of the group. We also hang out a bunch in discord and enjoy playing different games. We are Currently 5/8 H in LoU with the Goal of hitting CE this Season. We Welcome all raiders, key players, pvpers or anyone just looking for a home to bull@*&$. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
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Zunftmeister: Kevdotem Beamte: Abyssisbis, Artemira, Bigzappski, Britoeche, Codecho, Daftheals, Decembre, Designrr, Dubu, Gatòr, Goochiboi, Gàtor, Kaiokenxten, Kevdalock, Khaido, Killuä, Kwarr, Kárnage, Küma, Lúcí, Mackmonk, Mimuse, Moomoototems, Pallyranger, Quoafer, Ruari, Sanarah, Sevenbtw, Sevenlol, Sevenstars, Srzj, Sämsius, Takamitsu, Thormyr, Thrashër, Tiernan, Toekiro, Toenaan, Toepita, Toeray, Toeroti, Toerye, Toeshira, Tofuwalker, Ubbe, Zagreuslol |
<STARVD> Is a guild Thats been around Legion Raiding, Pvping, and running Keys. Over the years we became a close group of friends that welcomes any and all making them feel like apart of the group. We also hang out a bunch in discord and enjoy playing different games. We are Currently 5/8 H in LoU with the Goal of hitting CE this Season. We Welcome all raiders, key players, pvpers or anyone just looking for a home to bull@*&$. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
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Zunftmeister: Kevdotem Beamte: Abyssisbis, Artemira, Bigzappski, Britoeche, Codecho, Daftheals, Decembre, Designrr, Dubu, Gatòr, Goochiboi, Gàtor, Kaiokenxten, Kevdalock, Khaido, Killuä, Kwarr, Kárnage, Küma, Lúcí, Mackmonk, Mimuse, Moomoototems, Pallyranger, Quoafer, Ruari, Sanarah, Sevenbtw, Sevenlol, Sevenstars, Srzj, Sämsius, Takamitsu, Thormyr, Thrashër, Tiernan, Toekiro, Toenaan, Toepita, Toeray, Toeroti, Toerye, Toeshira, Tofuwalker, Ubbe, Zagreuslol |