Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
STARWORLD is a 2 night Cutting Edge raiding guild! We originally formed as a guild in Classic wow, and started raiding together in retail in 9.0. After finishing CN 8/10M, we achieved Cutting Edge in SoD and SoFo. We have several active members that love pushing keys on off-nights, and frequently have an optional alt raid on the weekends. We are currently looking for DPS/healer flex players, but are happy to look at logs and trial skilled players of either role! Raid Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30 EST Contact: Sheralino#9143 on discord Revvski#2311 on discord Zuletzt aktualisiert 113 Wochen vor |
STARWORLD is a 2 night Cutting Edge raiding guild! We originally formed as a guild in Classic wow, and started raiding together in retail in 9.0. After finishing CN 8/10M, we achieved Cutting Edge in SoD and SoFo. We have several active members that love pushing keys on off-nights, and frequently have an optional alt raid on the weekends. We are currently looking for DPS/healer flex players, but are happy to look at logs and trial skilled players of either role! Raid Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30 EST Contact: Sheralino#9143 on discord Revvski#2311 on discord Zuletzt aktualisiert 113 Wochen vor |