3/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 14 Stunden vor

Über Suffer

<Suffer> has been around since Molten Core, but the current raid team didn't start until ICC, when a group of former hardcore raiders formed a 10-man on Sundays, then another 10-man on Tuesdays. When Blizzard killed off 10-man raiding, these two raid groups merged to form the current Sunday/Tuesday raid night we have today. We generally finish AOTC after a 1-2 months and start working on Mythic for the rest of the season, usually getting about halfway before taking a 1 month break before the next season. Please contact Corca-Detheroc for raid info.

Suffer is also home to a casuals and alts, so all are welcome.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Corc

Beamte: Corca

Über Suffer

<Suffer> has been around since Molten Core, but the current raid team didn't start until ICC, when a group of former hardcore raiders formed a 10-man on Sundays, then another 10-man on Tuesdays. When Blizzard killed off 10-man raiding, these two raid groups merged to form the current Sunday/Tuesday raid night we have today. We generally finish AOTC after a 1-2 months and start working on Mythic for the rest of the season, usually getting about halfway before taking a 1 month break before the next season. Please contact Corca-Detheroc for raid info.

Suffer is also home to a casuals and alts, so all are welcome.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Corc

Beamte: Corca


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft3/8 H3,6471,3792
Normal8/8 N3803802
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik4/8 M3,2771,2702
Heldenhaft8/8 H4,3471,6972
Normal8/8 N3123122
RealmID 315
GruppeID 12480
GildenID 25722

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 14 Stunden vor