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Über Jynxed |
Jynxed is a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a very laid back and drama-free raid environment. Our focus is on having fun and making forward progression. We are not a Cutting Edge guild but we try our best every season. The core of the raid has been playing together for more than 10 years, 3 years in Rift and 7 years in WoW. We have a diverse mix of players that all enjoy playing with each other. Raid Schedule: Tues/Wed 8-11pm EST, Fri 8-11pm EST (Casual Raid) Raid Progression: 6/9 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace Faction: Alliance Server: Exodar/Medivh/Khadgar/Alleria
++Raiders are judged primarily on 4 factors:++ Attendance - Minimum 75% attendance is required but 90%+ is preferred. Preparation - Must have knowledge and expertise of rotations necessary for each raid fight. Also must know strats and watched videos for progression fights. Performance - Mechanics! You must be able to stay alive to be able to help the raid. DPS is also important but only when the raid is faced with DPS checks/enrage timers. Personality - Ultimately we're looking for people that we enjoy raiding with.
If you are interested in joining Jynxed, please message me. My battlenet ID is Techyon #1157. Zuletzt aktualisiert 7 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Téchymoon Beamte: Tinytech, Téchyon, Téchytomato |
Über Jynxed |
Jynxed is a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a very laid back and drama-free raid environment. Our focus is on having fun and making forward progression. We are not a Cutting Edge guild but we try our best every season. The core of the raid has been playing together for more than 10 years, 3 years in Rift and 7 years in WoW. We have a diverse mix of players that all enjoy playing with each other. Raid Schedule: Tues/Wed 8-11pm EST, Fri 8-11pm EST (Casual Raid) Raid Progression: 6/9 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace Faction: Alliance Server: Exodar/Medivh/Khadgar/Alleria
++Raiders are judged primarily on 4 factors:++ Attendance - Minimum 75% attendance is required but 90%+ is preferred. Preparation - Must have knowledge and expertise of rotations necessary for each raid fight. Also must know strats and watched videos for progression fights. Performance - Mechanics! You must be able to stay alive to be able to help the raid. DPS is also important but only when the raid is faced with DPS checks/enrage timers. Personality - Ultimately we're looking for people that we enjoy raiding with.
If you are interested in joining Jynxed, please message me. My battlenet ID is Techyon #1157. Zuletzt aktualisiert 7 Wochen vor |