Zuletzt gescannt 27 Minuten vor
Über Eepy |
Eepy is a progression raiding guild with the main focus of attaining CE each tier.
The core members in the group have been raiding together since Shadowlands season 2 (SoD) through Dragonflight, successfully achieving cutting edge each tier.
Raid times (all times are in "Server Time" SVT) - Frostmourne
Currently recruiting
Contact info
Zuletzt aktualisiert 10 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Zeforusdh Beamte: Creamydh, Dracspally, Zeforusdk |
Über Eepy |
Eepy is a progression raiding guild with the main focus of attaining CE each tier.
The core members in the group have been raiding together since Shadowlands season 2 (SoD) through Dragonflight, successfully achieving cutting edge each tier.
Raid times (all times are in "Server Time" SVT) - Frostmourne
Currently recruiting
Contact info
Zuletzt aktualisiert 10 Wochen vor |
RealmID 345
GruppeID 2090366
GildenID 2078611