Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor

Über Hodor
14 waycrest
come come
also Guild is dedge - Good Run

Holding the door since 2015: We are an Australian Mythic progression raiding guild comprised of mature guys and girls who want to push top-end raid progression at a healthy pace. We strive to provide our guild members with a fun and relaxed atmosphere.


Raid Times

Wed- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Thu- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Sun- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Optional Mon - 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT) FIRST TWO WEEKS ONLY

Invites out @ 7:45pm



Warlods of Draenor

  • HFC - 13/13M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Archimonde mounts provided to our Raiders



  • EN/ToV/NH - 7/7M 3/3M 10/10M - Cutting Edge for all 3 raids & more than 20 Guldan mounts provided to our Raiders.
  • ToS - 9/9M - Cutting Edge
  • Antorus - 11/11M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Argus mounts provided to our Raiders.


Battle for Azeroth

  • Uldir - 8/8M - Cutting Edge
  • Battle for Daza'alor - 9/9M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Jaina mounts provided to our Raiders
  • The Eternal Palace - 8/8M - Cutting Edge
  • Ny'alotha - 12/12M - Cutting Edge - Alliance Hall of Fame & more than 20 N'zoth mounts provided to our Raiders



  • Castle Nathria - 10/10M - Cutting Edge
  • Sanctum of Domination - 10/10M - Cutting Edge + Over 20 mounts to our raiders before 9.2
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones - 11/11M - Alliance Hall of Fame & more than 20 Jailer mounts provided to our Raiders.
  • Season 4 (Fated) - 31/31M with all raiders earning the full clear teleport achievement.


  • Vault of the Incarnates - 8/8M - Alliance Hall of Fame

What we provide to our raiders

  • Fun, mature and relaxed raiding atmosphere
  • End-game progression at a healthy and efficient pace
  • Transparent and favoritism free guild leadership and loot structure (loot council)
  • Flasks, feasts and repairs provided to our raiders


What we expect from our raiders

  • Proficiency in their role and specs
  • Solid attendance (90%+)
  • Handle constructive feedback and be ok with sitting out for certain progression fights depending on class composition, rotating bench and other requirements
  • Research progression boss fights in advance
  • Actively push Mythic + and strive to improve your character outside raids
  • Most importantly - be respectful to others and we have no tolerance for drama

Zuletzt aktualisiert 55 Wochen vor
Über Hodor
14 waycrest
come come
also Guild is dedge - Good Run

Holding the door since 2015: We are an Australian Mythic progression raiding guild comprised of mature guys and girls who want to push top-end raid progression at a healthy pace. We strive to provide our guild members with a fun and relaxed atmosphere.


Raid Times

Wed- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Thu- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Sun- 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT)

Optional Mon - 8pm to 11pm Server Time (AEST/AEDT) FIRST TWO WEEKS ONLY

Invites out @ 7:45pm



Warlods of Draenor

  • HFC - 13/13M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Archimonde mounts provided to our Raiders



  • EN/ToV/NH - 7/7M 3/3M 10/10M - Cutting Edge for all 3 raids & more than 20 Guldan mounts provided to our Raiders.
  • ToS - 9/9M - Cutting Edge
  • Antorus - 11/11M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Argus mounts provided to our Raiders.


Battle for Azeroth

  • Uldir - 8/8M - Cutting Edge
  • Battle for Daza'alor - 9/9M - Cutting Edge & more than 20 Jaina mounts provided to our Raiders
  • The Eternal Palace - 8/8M - Cutting Edge
  • Ny'alotha - 12/12M - Cutting Edge - Alliance Hall of Fame & more than 20 N'zoth mounts provided to our Raiders



  • Castle Nathria - 10/10M - Cutting Edge
  • Sanctum of Domination - 10/10M - Cutting Edge + Over 20 mounts to our raiders before 9.2
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones - 11/11M - Alliance Hall of Fame & more than 20 Jailer mounts provided to our Raiders.
  • Season 4 (Fated) - 31/31M with all raiders earning the full clear teleport achievement.


  • Vault of the Incarnates - 8/8M - Alliance Hall of Fame

What we provide to our raiders

  • Fun, mature and relaxed raiding atmosphere
  • End-game progression at a healthy and efficient pace
  • Transparent and favoritism free guild leadership and loot structure (loot council)
  • Flasks, feasts and repairs provided to our raiders


What we expect from our raiders

  • Proficiency in their role and specs
  • Solid attendance (90%+)
  • Handle constructive feedback and be ok with sitting out for certain progression fights depending on class composition, rotating bench and other requirements
  • Research progression boss fights in advance
  • Actively push Mythic + and strive to improve your character outside raids
  • Most importantly - be respectful to others and we have no tolerance for drama

Zuletzt aktualisiert 55 Wochen vor


Wir konnten keine Schlachtzugsprogression für diese Erweiterung finden.

Hatten Sie erwartet, welche zu sehen?

RealmID 345
GruppeID 737
GildenID 42924

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor