Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor
Über Phalanx |
Phalanx is a Frostmourne based AOTC progression guild We are not actively looking to recruit players for our main raid team which is currently 7/8H, but we will always consider strong players to add to our roster. If you are interested, we would ask that you provide logs of your performance or come to one of our social raids so we can &**ess your performance. We also have a casual raids for our more social members Raid times: ALL RAID TIMES ARE SERVER TIME
Please contact one of our officers if you wish to join the guild or main raid team. Alternative submit an application to us in game. Our officer team is: Alogagain - (GM) Thedaz - (co GM) Memz - (Raid Officer) Hidan Loops Raid Leaders: Kel Shammiches Zuletzt aktualisiert 23 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Alogagain Beamte: Abridge, Ajxocnfresh, Chickentendi, Dëvo, Dëvotion, Galacticx, Hidãn, Ipickthebear, Itsmybis, Kelarity, Kelaura, Kelcee, Kelchi, Kelendra, Kelessa, Keluna, Kelysra, Kelzae, Krystaí, Kungfukaren, Lhrìlíth, Loopsdh, Loopstc, Loopstendy, Loopstmc, Lunaèl, Magèmz, Memette, Monkèmz, Mèmz, Mémz, Mêmz, Oneriptide, Rayygun, Ráwrxd, Shadowmèmz, Shamemz, Shammiches, Sultanabràn, Suprèmo, Sãito, Thedaz, Thirstyfour, Travwar, Yourexgirl |
Über Phalanx |
Phalanx is a Frostmourne based AOTC progression guild We are not actively looking to recruit players for our main raid team which is currently 7/8H, but we will always consider strong players to add to our roster. If you are interested, we would ask that you provide logs of your performance or come to one of our social raids so we can &**ess your performance. We also have a casual raids for our more social members Raid times: ALL RAID TIMES ARE SERVER TIME
Please contact one of our officers if you wish to join the guild or main raid team. Alternative submit an application to us in game. Our officer team is: Alogagain - (GM) Thedaz - (co GM) Memz - (Raid Officer) Hidan Loops Raid Leaders: Kel Shammiches Zuletzt aktualisiert 23 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Alogagain Beamte: Abridge, Ajxocnfresh, Chickentendi, Dëvo, Dëvotion, Galacticx, Hidãn, Ipickthebear, Itsmybis, Kelarity, Kelaura, Kelcee, Kelchi, Kelendra, Kelessa, Keluna, Kelysra, Kelzae, Krystaí, Kungfukaren, Lhrìlíth, Loopsdh, Loopstc, Loopstendy, Loopstmc, Lunaèl, Magèmz, Memette, Monkèmz, Mèmz, Mémz, Mêmz, Oneriptide, Rayygun, Ráwrxd, Shadowmèmz, Shamemz, Shammiches, Sultanabràn, Suprèmo, Sãito, Thedaz, Thirstyfour, Travwar, Yourexgirl |