Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Covenant |
We are currently recruiting to build our Mythic raid team Currently 3/8 Mythic NP Looking for a Pres Evoker mainly although all are welcome! Current raid times are Friday and Saturday 7:30 est to 10:30 est Most of us are returning CE and AOTC raiders that decided to come back for a more casual atmosphere ...looking to build our mythic raid team out for Season 2...If you enjoy a laid back mature atmosphere with out the Elitist garbage then shoot us a message and we can discuss can contact me on Bnet at Vader#1339 or Cyndle on Bnet at Cranberries#1787 Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |
Über Covenant |
We are currently recruiting to build our Mythic raid team Currently 3/8 Mythic NP Looking for a Pres Evoker mainly although all are welcome! Current raid times are Friday and Saturday 7:30 est to 10:30 est Most of us are returning CE and AOTC raiders that decided to come back for a more casual atmosphere ...looking to build our mythic raid team out for Season 2...If you enjoy a laid back mature atmosphere with out the Elitist garbage then shoot us a message and we can discuss can contact me on Bnet at Vader#1339 or Cyndle on Bnet at Cranberries#1787 Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |