Zuletzt gescannt 16 Stunden vor
Über Undaunted |
Undaunted of Hyjal is a late night AOTC guild with a raiding history of 10+ years going strong into The War Within. Raid Times: 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM Pacific | Tuesday & Thursday Recruiting: DPS Not recruiting tanks at this time. We have historically been able to clear 2-4 Mythic bosses after finishing Heroic progression when there’s interest. We don’t expect everyone to play the meta specs, but we do ask that you learn the spec you want to play and perform well relative to the raid. We also have several M+ players who run keys on most non-raid nights, usually in the +8-11 (formerly +18-22) range. More players of any class/role would be welcome for M+ as well. If you’re interested in trialing for the raid team, please contact Thordrenek-Hyjal in game. Zuletzt aktualisiert 28 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Achileze Beamte: Lessie, Thordrek, Thordrenek |
Über Undaunted |
Undaunted of Hyjal is a late night AOTC guild with a raiding history of 10+ years going strong into The War Within. Raid Times: 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM Pacific | Tuesday & Thursday Recruiting: DPS Not recruiting tanks at this time. We have historically been able to clear 2-4 Mythic bosses after finishing Heroic progression when there’s interest. We don’t expect everyone to play the meta specs, but we do ask that you learn the spec you want to play and perform well relative to the raid. We also have several M+ players who run keys on most non-raid nights, usually in the +8-11 (formerly +18-22) range. More players of any class/role would be welcome for M+ as well. If you’re interested in trialing for the raid team, please contact Thordrenek-Hyjal in game. Zuletzt aktualisiert 28 Wochen vor |