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Über Adequate |
Mon/Wed 8pm - 12pm EST Horde- Illidan US High priority: Preservation + Augmentation Evoker Mistweaver Monk Holy Paladin Resto Druid Disc + Holy Priest Resto Shaman Rogue Adequate is an established Classic community that has thrived over the last 4 years. We are recruiting for our Mythic raid team for The War Within! Our retail team is comprised of CE Mythic raiders, and raid 8 hours a week. Due to our limited schedule we emphasize clean gameplay, a constructive environment, and maximize our raid time to achieve our goals. We are focused on striking a balance between a manageable raid schedule and optimizing raid performance. Our goal is completing cutting edge in a reasonable amount of time. Raid Expectations We do not overtime, add extra or “heroic” raid days, and hold our raiders to a high standard. If you are looking for a constructive and competitive environment then I encourage you to apply. We expect at least 90% attendance for raid days and prior notice if you can't make it that day/week. Raid members must be in raid with proper consumables and correct enchants on their gear on time each raid day with prior knowledge of fights. We will provide you with all the knowledge that you need to be successful in raid. We also provide feasts for raiders. We implore all raid members to be active in mythic plus throughout the week to maximize their weekly vaults and to help other guildmates maximize theirs. Raid spots are performance based. Must be able to take criticism and be respectful when talking about others. If you ever have questions about your performance or raid someone will gladly offer assistance and help you out. Contact GM: Recon / Discord: Recondos / Bnet: Recond#11134 Recruitment: Slamo / Discord: Slamo Zuletzt aktualisiert 26 Wochen vor |
Über Adequate |
Mon/Wed 8pm - 12pm EST Horde- Illidan US High priority: Preservation + Augmentation Evoker Mistweaver Monk Holy Paladin Resto Druid Disc + Holy Priest Resto Shaman Rogue Adequate is an established Classic community that has thrived over the last 4 years. We are recruiting for our Mythic raid team for The War Within! Our retail team is comprised of CE Mythic raiders, and raid 8 hours a week. Due to our limited schedule we emphasize clean gameplay, a constructive environment, and maximize our raid time to achieve our goals. We are focused on striking a balance between a manageable raid schedule and optimizing raid performance. Our goal is completing cutting edge in a reasonable amount of time. Raid Expectations We do not overtime, add extra or “heroic” raid days, and hold our raiders to a high standard. If you are looking for a constructive and competitive environment then I encourage you to apply. We expect at least 90% attendance for raid days and prior notice if you can't make it that day/week. Raid members must be in raid with proper consumables and correct enchants on their gear on time each raid day with prior knowledge of fights. We will provide you with all the knowledge that you need to be successful in raid. We also provide feasts for raiders. We implore all raid members to be active in mythic plus throughout the week to maximize their weekly vaults and to help other guildmates maximize theirs. Raid spots are performance based. Must be able to take criticism and be respectful when talking about others. If you ever have questions about your performance or raid someone will gladly offer assistance and help you out. Contact GM: Recon / Discord: Recondos / Bnet: Recond#11134 Recruitment: Slamo / Discord: Slamo Zuletzt aktualisiert 26 Wochen vor |