
4/8 H
Nerub-ar Palast
8/8 N
Nerub-ar Palast

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Circus

Circus is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild. We are fairly new, just forming in 10.0.5, but we are built with a strong foundation of long-time friends and other members alike with the same goal: pushing as far into mythic content, focusing up when it is needed, and having an enjoyable raid all around during raid nights. When we are not raiding, we enjoy pushing Mythic+. We have multiple members who enjoy pushing 20+ each season and challenging themselves in Mythic+ content as well as raid content. We are looking to recruit like-minded members who can maintain a positive attitude in raids as well as doing all that they can to improve themselves within raids and outside of raids.


VOTI: 8/8H 6/8M

ATSC: 9/9N 9/9H 9/9M

ATDH: 9/9N 9/9H 7/9M

Raid days/times: Wednesday & Thursday - 8:00PM-11:00PM CST (aka Server)

We would also like to dedicate a few days to optional normal and heroic runs on off days for raiders to have the chance to receive the items they still might need from normal. This is due to us choosing to stay mostly in mythic on our main raid days. Optional days are still in discussion.

Recruitment: Warlock, rogue, mage, Rdruid, MW, Prevoker, healpriest.

We’re always open to exceptional applicants so if what you play isn’t on our recruitment list, please send us a message anyway! Our application is within our discord which will be provided to anyone interested once they’ve spoken with one of our contacts below.

Raider expectations:

• Positive attitudes above all else

• Raiders are expected to have good attendance, please do not miss more than 3 raid days within a month

• Minimum ilvl of 435+ (returning players of 430 ilvl will be considered but are expected to catch up quickly)

• Raiders are expected to complete a +20 key for their weekly vault minimum.

• Raiders are expected to craft 447 items when new sparks are available, so please run the necessary amount of keys for aspects

• Raiders who raid log and do not work towards gearing themselves outside of raid are last priority for raid spots and loot, so please help us by helping yourself

• If able, log on 15 minutes prior to the start of raid to clear trash and be at the boss at raid time

• Our trial period is a two week long process. During this time, trials are still eligible for loot but are a lower priority than a raider does

• Raiders are expected to have some boss knowledge on bosses before we pull, so please watch boss guides

• Raiders are expected to research their class if they feel they are underperforming in any way

• During mythic progression, we will actively rotate people in and out to maximize weekly vaults, so if you are not apart of the mythic team for the night, you are still expected to be available during raid times

What to expect from us during raids:

• Feasts

• Potion cauldrons

• Repairs

• Vantus Runes on bosses we see them necessary for

• Most Enchants

If you are interested in raiding with us then please reach out to Skiald (discord) Skald#11623 (BNet), kalazar (discord) kalazar#11057 (BNet) or Xaku0131 (discord gavelleman#1616 (BNet).

Zuletzt aktualisiert 57 Wochen vor
Über Circus

Circus is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild. We are fairly new, just forming in 10.0.5, but we are built with a strong foundation of long-time friends and other members alike with the same goal: pushing as far into mythic content, focusing up when it is needed, and having an enjoyable raid all around during raid nights. When we are not raiding, we enjoy pushing Mythic+. We have multiple members who enjoy pushing 20+ each season and challenging themselves in Mythic+ content as well as raid content. We are looking to recruit like-minded members who can maintain a positive attitude in raids as well as doing all that they can to improve themselves within raids and outside of raids.


VOTI: 8/8H 6/8M

ATSC: 9/9N 9/9H 9/9M

ATDH: 9/9N 9/9H 7/9M

Raid days/times: Wednesday & Thursday - 8:00PM-11:00PM CST (aka Server)

We would also like to dedicate a few days to optional normal and heroic runs on off days for raiders to have the chance to receive the items they still might need from normal. This is due to us choosing to stay mostly in mythic on our main raid days. Optional days are still in discussion.

Recruitment: Warlock, rogue, mage, Rdruid, MW, Prevoker, healpriest.

We’re always open to exceptional applicants so if what you play isn’t on our recruitment list, please send us a message anyway! Our application is within our discord which will be provided to anyone interested once they’ve spoken with one of our contacts below.

Raider expectations:

• Positive attitudes above all else

• Raiders are expected to have good attendance, please do not miss more than 3 raid days within a month

• Minimum ilvl of 435+ (returning players of 430 ilvl will be considered but are expected to catch up quickly)

• Raiders are expected to complete a +20 key for their weekly vault minimum.

• Raiders are expected to craft 447 items when new sparks are available, so please run the necessary amount of keys for aspects

• Raiders who raid log and do not work towards gearing themselves outside of raid are last priority for raid spots and loot, so please help us by helping yourself

• If able, log on 15 minutes prior to the start of raid to clear trash and be at the boss at raid time

• Our trial period is a two week long process. During this time, trials are still eligible for loot but are a lower priority than a raider does

• Raiders are expected to have some boss knowledge on bosses before we pull, so please watch boss guides

• Raiders are expected to research their class if they feel they are underperforming in any way

• During mythic progression, we will actively rotate people in and out to maximize weekly vaults, so if you are not apart of the mythic team for the night, you are still expected to be available during raid times

What to expect from us during raids:

• Feasts

• Potion cauldrons

• Repairs

• Vantus Runes on bosses we see them necessary for

• Most Enchants

If you are interested in raiding with us then please reach out to Skiald (discord) Skald#11623 (BNet), kalazar (discord) kalazar#11057 (BNet) or Xaku0131 (discord gavelleman#1616 (BNet).

Zuletzt aktualisiert 57 Wochen vor


Nerub-ar Palast
Heldenhaft4/8 H18,9448,900614
Normal8/8 N15,3827,272521
RealmID 369
GruppeID 1870553
GildenID 1876876

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor