Über OnlyFams |
OnlyFams is a casual raiding guild that enjoys a laid back and fun environment while progressing through content. We currently raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 PM - 10:30PM EST, currently 9/10H in SoD. We are actively looking for 1 healer (disc/hpaly pref or heals with dps OS) and all DPS players (High prio: enh shaman, rogue or dk, and ranged specs). We are always seeking to add skilled and laid back players for all varieties of content. If you want more info please reach out! Guild contact: Bnet: Sploot#11559 Discord: Sploot#6921 Zuletzt aktualisiert 183 Wochen vor |
Über OnlyFams |
OnlyFams is a casual raiding guild that enjoys a laid back and fun environment while progressing through content. We currently raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 PM - 10:30PM EST, currently 9/10H in SoD. We are actively looking for 1 healer (disc/hpaly pref or heals with dps OS) and all DPS players (High prio: enh shaman, rogue or dk, and ranged specs). We are always seeking to add skilled and laid back players for all varieties of content. If you want more info please reach out! Guild contact: Bnet: Sploot#11559 Discord: Sploot#6921 Zuletzt aktualisiert 183 Wochen vor |