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Über Reverb |
— About Us — We’re a guild of seasoned wow veterans mixed with newer players who want to push themselves to be better while having a fun time as well through Raiding. Outside of Raiding we also have an awesome Mythic+ community who run keys every day, and a newer PVP community. All we ask is that you put in the effort to respect everyone's time. — Season 1 Goals — Our Goal is to push as far into Mythic Nerub'ar as possible while maintaining a fun environment for our players and members. Chill but Skilled is the motto. — Raid Times — (Invites go out 10 mins early) Tuesday: 7-10PM EST Wednesday: 7-10EST — Recruitment Needs — Healer: Holy Priest, Mistweaver Monk Melee DPS: Windwalker Monk, Frost DK (high prio) Last updated: Nov 20th 2024 Regardless of the recruitment status, we encourage anyone to reach out and inquire! — Current raid progress — Nerub-ar Palace: 4/8M — Basic Requirements — 18+ years old. Initiative (look through your own logs and be able to improve on your own). Commitment to raid days and gearing actively and run keys. Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism. Always come to raid prepared. Be competent and able to follow instructions. Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Älexstraza Beamte: Darzone, Emoch, Gorakuldk, Kalraedrin, Kranaxis, Krongorn, Monkeballs, Piddax, Pyroblastr, Scourgebrain, Sylvesträ, Vellencia, Zaleeya, Zalelite, Zalwaters, Zàl, Zìgz, Älexdrood, Älexstralock, Älexstrasa, Älexstrasham, Älexstrasza, Älexstrazam |
Über Reverb |
— About Us — We’re a guild of seasoned wow veterans mixed with newer players who want to push themselves to be better while having a fun time as well through Raiding. Outside of Raiding we also have an awesome Mythic+ community who run keys every day, and a newer PVP community. All we ask is that you put in the effort to respect everyone's time. — Season 1 Goals — Our Goal is to push as far into Mythic Nerub'ar as possible while maintaining a fun environment for our players and members. Chill but Skilled is the motto. — Raid Times — (Invites go out 10 mins early) Tuesday: 7-10PM EST Wednesday: 7-10EST — Recruitment Needs — Healer: Holy Priest, Mistweaver Monk Melee DPS: Windwalker Monk, Frost DK (high prio) Last updated: Nov 20th 2024 Regardless of the recruitment status, we encourage anyone to reach out and inquire! — Current raid progress — Nerub-ar Palace: 4/8M — Basic Requirements — 18+ years old. Initiative (look through your own logs and be able to improve on your own). Commitment to raid days and gearing actively and run keys. Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism. Always come to raid prepared. Be competent and able to follow instructions. Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Älexstraza Beamte: Darzone, Emoch, Gorakuldk, Kalraedrin, Kranaxis, Krongorn, Monkeballs, Piddax, Pyroblastr, Scourgebrain, Sylvesträ, Vellencia, Zaleeya, Zalelite, Zalwaters, Zàl, Zìgz, Älexdrood, Älexstralock, Älexstrasa, Älexstrasham, Älexstrasza, Älexstrazam |