Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Electrotuned |
Electrotuned is a casual, fun, AOTC focused guild on Kargath-US who prioritizes bringing the player not the class. ET has been around since 2010 and has cleared current content raids. When AOTC was added we decided to make that our focus as a guild and dabble in Mythic raiding if our raid numbers allowed it. We are currently recruiting healers and DPS War Within raiding/mythic+. All players are welcome to join regardless of what you are looking for. If you are returning after a long break or a newer raider, we will help you learn in a pressure free environment without judgement. Our only requirements is that you join discord, you don't have to talk, just be able to listen to callouts, and if you need gems/enchants, to let an officer know so we can help you get them. --We are currently in need of--
--Raid times--
Message nikapo6 on discord or add Elywynne#1582 on b.net if you're interested. Thank you! Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor |
Über Electrotuned |
Electrotuned is a casual, fun, AOTC focused guild on Kargath-US who prioritizes bringing the player not the class. ET has been around since 2010 and has cleared current content raids. When AOTC was added we decided to make that our focus as a guild and dabble in Mythic raiding if our raid numbers allowed it. We are currently recruiting healers and DPS War Within raiding/mythic+. All players are welcome to join regardless of what you are looking for. If you are returning after a long break or a newer raider, we will help you learn in a pressure free environment without judgement. Our only requirements is that you join discord, you don't have to talk, just be able to listen to callouts, and if you need gems/enchants, to let an officer know so we can help you get them. --We are currently in need of--
--Raid times--
Message nikapo6 on discord or add Elywynne#1582 on b.net if you're interested. Thank you! Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor |