Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Indestructible |
We always consider all exceptional applicants, regardless of what specific classes we are looking for. CURRENT NEEDS: Indestructible is a long-standing raiding guild on Kel'Thuzad-US comprised of fun and mature people. We've been around for over fifteen years and we're looking for people who are serious about raid progression and want to have fun progressing. Dragonflight: The War Within: Raid Schedule Tuesday/Thursday 08:00-11:30 PM EST (06:00-9:30 PM Server/Mountain) Raid invites start 15 minutes before raid to begin clearing trash. Application (This will be answered within a couple days): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EyJRbd9ikndm3Sv4qwyyVk8YyYSyDpKYAysXUmEN6BM **Feel free to contact any of our officers via bnet/discord before applying.
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Jeebu Beamte: Asmongold, Asmonremix, Ausric, Cathelizel, Dangö, Dragongoober, Dragonlord, Ghoulish, Gistwiki, Jebo, Jeebuweebu, Korahdruid, Korahpal, Koráh, Linksteria, Mcilreavey, Morphan, Paleash, Palfist, Pallash, Pallass, Pallesh, Pallock, Reaveyw, Roraith, Snowfalls, Synifik, Urmomlvsme, Zerb, Zerbae, Zerbee, Zerbelive, Zerberawrxd, Zerbew, Zerbey, Zerbi, Ðragonsaber |
Über Indestructible |
We always consider all exceptional applicants, regardless of what specific classes we are looking for. CURRENT NEEDS: Indestructible is a long-standing raiding guild on Kel'Thuzad-US comprised of fun and mature people. We've been around for over fifteen years and we're looking for people who are serious about raid progression and want to have fun progressing. Dragonflight: The War Within: Raid Schedule Tuesday/Thursday 08:00-11:30 PM EST (06:00-9:30 PM Server/Mountain) Raid invites start 15 minutes before raid to begin clearing trash. Application (This will be answered within a couple days): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EyJRbd9ikndm3Sv4qwyyVk8YyYSyDpKYAysXUmEN6BM **Feel free to contact any of our officers via bnet/discord before applying.
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Jeebu Beamte: Asmongold, Asmonremix, Ausric, Cathelizel, Dangö, Dragongoober, Dragonlord, Ghoulish, Gistwiki, Jebo, Jeebuweebu, Korahdruid, Korahpal, Koráh, Linksteria, Mcilreavey, Morphan, Paleash, Palfist, Pallash, Pallass, Pallesh, Pallock, Reaveyw, Roraith, Snowfalls, Synifik, Urmomlvsme, Zerb, Zerbae, Zerbee, Zerbelive, Zerberawrxd, Zerbew, Zerbey, Zerbi, Ðragonsaber |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Welt | Region | Reich | |
Mystik | 2/8 M | 892 | 358 | 2 | |
Heldenhaft | 8/8 H | 673 | 215 | 1 | |
Normal | 8/8 N | 7,848 | 3,591 | 34 |