Zuletzt gescannt 11 Stunden vor
Über Nobility |
<Nobility> a LATE-NIGHT raiding guild on the Kel-Thuzad server, is a formerly multi-CE raiding guild that is returning from a break. We were Cutting Edge twice in a row, in both Nya'lotha (12/12M) and Castle Nathria (10/10M), and are resuming raiding in The War Within. Our philosophy is to kill bosses while having fun. We love competition, but not &*%holes. We're currently recruiting for raiding, M+, and general fun. We tend closer to the casual level, with raiding times expected on Tue/Wed/Thu 11pm to 2am server and with core spots available. Visit discord.gg/pzwdmc5 for more info, or sent a Discord message to Charodey_kt Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Wochen vor |
Über Nobility |
<Nobility> a LATE-NIGHT raiding guild on the Kel-Thuzad server, is a formerly multi-CE raiding guild that is returning from a break. We were Cutting Edge twice in a row, in both Nya'lotha (12/12M) and Castle Nathria (10/10M), and are resuming raiding in The War Within. Our philosophy is to kill bosses while having fun. We love competition, but not &*%holes. We're currently recruiting for raiding, M+, and general fun. We tend closer to the casual level, with raiding times expected on Tue/Wed/Thu 11pm to 2am server and with core spots available. Visit discord.gg/pzwdmc5 for more info, or sent a Discord message to Charodey_kt Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Wochen vor |