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Über Disambiguation |
++Disambiguation [Horde – Kil’Jaeden]++ Disambiguation is a Cutting Edge raiding guild focused on clearing the most difficult raiding content in the game at a comfortable pace. We consistently strive towards excellence but enjoy raiding within a relaxed and non-toxic environment. Raid Times We raid three days a week, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday for three hours per night from 9pm-12am PST. This includes a mid-raid break around 10:30. Requirements: As a member of the Mythic Raid Team, it is imperative that you keep your character up to date so we can progress at a reasonable pace during the tier. Here is what we ask of all our mythic raiders.
Current Needs: We are currently looking for exceptional players of any role, with no immediate needs at this time, please feel welcome to apply! Questions / How to Apply?: Apply via this form: forms.gle/ujoTYsF27xNkMqWQ9 Discord Contacts: GM - Alexithymia (Discord: Pocketlizard) Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Alexithymìa Beamte: Glx |
Über Disambiguation |
++Disambiguation [Horde – Kil’Jaeden]++ Disambiguation is a Cutting Edge raiding guild focused on clearing the most difficult raiding content in the game at a comfortable pace. We consistently strive towards excellence but enjoy raiding within a relaxed and non-toxic environment. Raid Times We raid three days a week, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday for three hours per night from 9pm-12am PST. This includes a mid-raid break around 10:30. Requirements: As a member of the Mythic Raid Team, it is imperative that you keep your character up to date so we can progress at a reasonable pace during the tier. Here is what we ask of all our mythic raiders.
Current Needs: We are currently looking for exceptional players of any role, with no immediate needs at this time, please feel welcome to apply! Questions / How to Apply?: Apply via this form: forms.gle/ujoTYsF27xNkMqWQ9 Discord Contacts: GM - Alexithymia (Discord: Pocketlizard) Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor |