Zuletzt gescannt 6 Tage vor
Über Envy |
< ENVY >: A guild residing on Kil'jaeden Horde. A group of a friends looking for strong and competitive natured players to compete in our ranks. Envy was established during Burning Crusade was formally a top US Guild looking to achieve similar ranks in our future. RECRUITMENT POST: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-envy-2day-7-8m-recruiting/22767 We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class. ++Basic Expectations of You++ ● Have a good attitude and mesh well with the guild as a whole. ● Be able to make a positive impact on our guild's progression. ● Use your voice as a tool to help steer progression. Be vocal. ● Come to raid prepared and on-time having read up on all fights. ● Give 115% each raid night and always work to improve. ++What to Expect From Envy++ ● Strong and experienced guild leadership. ● Honest evaluation of your performance and blunt criticism. ● A relaxed, stable guild that genuinely enjoys the community aspect of WoW. RAID TIMES: ++Tuesday 6:00pm - 9:00pm PST++ ++Thursday 6:00pm - 9:00pm PST++ BNET CONTACTS: Guild Master - Xaphus - Xaphus#1471 Raid Leader - Cavelady - Caveman#1631 Zuletzt aktualisiert 293 Wochen vor |
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Über Envy |
< ENVY >: A guild residing on Kil'jaeden Horde. A group of a friends looking for strong and competitive natured players to compete in our ranks. Envy was established during Burning Crusade was formally a top US Guild looking to achieve similar ranks in our future. RECRUITMENT POST: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-envy-2day-7-8m-recruiting/22767 We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class. ++Basic Expectations of You++ ● Have a good attitude and mesh well with the guild as a whole. ● Be able to make a positive impact on our guild's progression. ● Use your voice as a tool to help steer progression. Be vocal. ● Come to raid prepared and on-time having read up on all fights. ● Give 115% each raid night and always work to improve. ++What to Expect From Envy++ ● Strong and experienced guild leadership. ● Honest evaluation of your performance and blunt criticism. ● A relaxed, stable guild that genuinely enjoys the community aspect of WoW. RAID TIMES: ++Tuesday 6:00pm - 9:00pm PST++ ++Thursday 6:00pm - 9:00pm PST++ BNET CONTACTS: Guild Master - Xaphus - Xaphus#1471 Raid Leader - Cavelady - Caveman#1631 Zuletzt aktualisiert 293 Wochen vor |
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