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Über Crucible |
< Crucible > is a progression focused AotC guild with mythic aspirations. We are actively recruiting for heroic Nerub-ar Palace and plan to move into mythic. We are seeking players with advanced knowledge of their chosen class and a deep desire to always be improving. Recruits are expected to be optimally enchanted, gemmed and embellished in accordance with the latest accepted theorycraft. Above all, we seek players that are looking to have fun and down bosses with like-minded individuals in a non-toxic and player-friendly atmosphere. With that said, our raids are structured and we respect everyone's time therefore we expect you to do the same. Consumables are provided to the raid via cauldrons but you should always be raid-ready with your own in case raids extend beyond the cauldron phial duration. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please contact anyone from our leadership team either here or join our discord and DM us. discord.gg/J6UwCtKCgJ Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Plâgue Beamte: Cyllix, Khalidisi, Nattyfrixz, Raebae |
Über Crucible |
< Crucible > is a progression focused AotC guild with mythic aspirations. We are actively recruiting for heroic Nerub-ar Palace and plan to move into mythic. We are seeking players with advanced knowledge of their chosen class and a deep desire to always be improving. Recruits are expected to be optimally enchanted, gemmed and embellished in accordance with the latest accepted theorycraft. Above all, we seek players that are looking to have fun and down bosses with like-minded individuals in a non-toxic and player-friendly atmosphere. With that said, our raids are structured and we respect everyone's time therefore we expect you to do the same. Consumables are provided to the raid via cauldrons but you should always be raid-ready with your own in case raids extend beyond the cauldron phial duration. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please contact anyone from our leadership team either here or join our discord and DM us. discord.gg/J6UwCtKCgJ Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Wochen vor |