
4/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 8th Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 17 Stunden vor

Über Unrefined

Unrefined on US-Magtheridon is an Alliance guild looking to add dedicated players to our roster. We pride ourselves on clearing raids efficiently with a low time investment and have proven that we are capable of progressing on a 1 day raid schedule each week (We raid Sundays at 7:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern time). Now, in Shadowlands, we are raiding a second night for quicker progression (Thursday's at 7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern time). We are looking for mature/adult players who are enjoyable to raid with and can keep a stable schedule. We currently run a lean roster and are looking to expand. We mainly focus on heroic raiding, M+ running, and overall having a good time.

Recruitment needs:

-- Tanks: 1-2 Any Class

-- Healers: 1-2 Any Class

-- DPS: 2-4 Any Class

We always keep a lookout for fantastic players, and any exceptional player will be considered regardless of your class/spec. You should apply if you feel this is a good guild for you, as well as if you feel you'd be a great addition to our team.

About Us:

Unrefined is a Heroic AotC guild made up, at it's core, of real life friends - as well as friends of friends. We are a close-knit group that always help one another out and have a great time doing it. We consider ourselves causal as we only used to raid one day a week (expanded to two), even though most of our guild members are online everyday. We've been a guild for a long time, but as in every expansion there is a lull period were some people start to do other things. We have a strong core group of 12-17 people, and have branched out making new friends and guild mates, but want to keep moving forward, progressing, and having a good time while doing it. We hope to find people that are into enjoying this game the same way that we do.


A list of our endeavors.

++The War Within++

Liberation of Undermine - 3/8 Heroic

AotC: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan - Blackrock Depths

AotC: Queen Ansurek - Nerub'ar Palace


AotC: Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflights Raids (Season 4)

AotC: Fyrakk the Blazing - Amirdrassil - The Dream's Hope (3/9 Mythic)

AotC: Scalecommander Sarkareth - Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

AotC: Raszageth the Storm-Eater - Vault of the Incarnates (2/8 Mythic)


AotC: Heroic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids

AotC: Zovaal, The Jailer - Sepulcher of the First Ones

AotC: Sylvanas Windrunner - Sanctum of Domination (1/10 Mythic)

AotC: Sire Denathrius - Castle Nathria (1/10 Mythic)

++Battle for Azeroth:++

AotC: N'Zoth the Corruptor - Nya'lotha: The Waking City - (5/12 Mythic)

AotC: Queen Azshara - Azshara's Eternal Palace (4/8 Mythic)

AotC: Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void - Crucible of Storms

AotC: Lady Jaina Proudmoore - Battle of Dazar'alor (3/9 Mythic)

AotC: G'huun the Blood God - Uldir (1/8 Mythic)


AotC: Argus the Unmaker - Antorus the Burning Throne

AotC: Kil'jaden the Deceiver - Tomb of Sargeras

AotC: Gul'dan, Lord of the Shadow Council - Nighthold

AotC: Helya - Trial of Valor

AotC: Xavius, Nightmare Lord - Emerald Nightmare (2/7 Mythic)

Raid Schedule:

Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST - Main Raid - (Amount of raid time sometimes varies, but no more than 4 hours)

Thursday 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST - Farm Bosses/Previous Tier (if needed) (Amount of raid time varies, but no more than 2-2.5 hours)

Other points of note:

We also PvP, Arena, and run M+ throughout the week, in addition to achievement runs and past raid encounters for fun. Although that is something secondary, and never mandatory. We also welcome everyone to play alts if they would like, there are many people that enjoy a myriad of classes and specializations.

If you have any additional questions, or would like to join. Please get in contact! If you can reply directly to this posting, fantastic! Otherwise you can use another route to contact below.

Contact Us:

In-game Whisper

-- Gazelle-Magtheridon / Balavan-Magtheridon (Guild Leader)

-- Archrival-Magtheridon (Officer)

-- Grown-Magtheridon (Officer)

-- Profitt-Altar of Storms (Officer)


-- StrykerBlue#1984 (Guild Leader)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Tage vor
Über Unrefined

Unrefined on US-Magtheridon is an Alliance guild looking to add dedicated players to our roster. We pride ourselves on clearing raids efficiently with a low time investment and have proven that we are capable of progressing on a 1 day raid schedule each week (We raid Sundays at 7:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern time). Now, in Shadowlands, we are raiding a second night for quicker progression (Thursday's at 7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern time). We are looking for mature/adult players who are enjoyable to raid with and can keep a stable schedule. We currently run a lean roster and are looking to expand. We mainly focus on heroic raiding, M+ running, and overall having a good time.

Recruitment needs:

-- Tanks: 1-2 Any Class

-- Healers: 1-2 Any Class

-- DPS: 2-4 Any Class

We always keep a lookout for fantastic players, and any exceptional player will be considered regardless of your class/spec. You should apply if you feel this is a good guild for you, as well as if you feel you'd be a great addition to our team.

About Us:

Unrefined is a Heroic AotC guild made up, at it's core, of real life friends - as well as friends of friends. We are a close-knit group that always help one another out and have a great time doing it. We consider ourselves causal as we only used to raid one day a week (expanded to two), even though most of our guild members are online everyday. We've been a guild for a long time, but as in every expansion there is a lull period were some people start to do other things. We have a strong core group of 12-17 people, and have branched out making new friends and guild mates, but want to keep moving forward, progressing, and having a good time while doing it. We hope to find people that are into enjoying this game the same way that we do.


A list of our endeavors.

++The War Within++

Liberation of Undermine - 3/8 Heroic

AotC: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan - Blackrock Depths

AotC: Queen Ansurek - Nerub'ar Palace


AotC: Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflights Raids (Season 4)

AotC: Fyrakk the Blazing - Amirdrassil - The Dream's Hope (3/9 Mythic)

AotC: Scalecommander Sarkareth - Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

AotC: Raszageth the Storm-Eater - Vault of the Incarnates (2/8 Mythic)


AotC: Heroic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids

AotC: Zovaal, The Jailer - Sepulcher of the First Ones

AotC: Sylvanas Windrunner - Sanctum of Domination (1/10 Mythic)

AotC: Sire Denathrius - Castle Nathria (1/10 Mythic)

++Battle for Azeroth:++

AotC: N'Zoth the Corruptor - Nya'lotha: The Waking City - (5/12 Mythic)

AotC: Queen Azshara - Azshara's Eternal Palace (4/8 Mythic)

AotC: Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void - Crucible of Storms

AotC: Lady Jaina Proudmoore - Battle of Dazar'alor (3/9 Mythic)

AotC: G'huun the Blood God - Uldir (1/8 Mythic)


AotC: Argus the Unmaker - Antorus the Burning Throne

AotC: Kil'jaden the Deceiver - Tomb of Sargeras

AotC: Gul'dan, Lord of the Shadow Council - Nighthold

AotC: Helya - Trial of Valor

AotC: Xavius, Nightmare Lord - Emerald Nightmare (2/7 Mythic)

Raid Schedule:

Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST - Main Raid - (Amount of raid time sometimes varies, but no more than 4 hours)

Thursday 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST - Farm Bosses/Previous Tier (if needed) (Amount of raid time varies, but no more than 2-2.5 hours)

Other points of note:

We also PvP, Arena, and run M+ throughout the week, in addition to achievement runs and past raid encounters for fun. Although that is something secondary, and never mandatory. We also welcome everyone to play alts if they would like, there are many people that enjoy a myriad of classes and specializations.

If you have any additional questions, or would like to join. Please get in contact! If you can reply directly to this posting, fantastic! Otherwise you can use another route to contact below.

Contact Us:

In-game Whisper

-- Gazelle-Magtheridon / Balavan-Magtheridon (Guild Leader)

-- Archrival-Magtheridon (Officer)

-- Grown-Magtheridon (Officer)

-- Profitt-Altar of Storms (Officer)


-- StrykerBlue#1984 (Guild Leader)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Tage vor


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft4/8 H7,5713,3507
Normal8/8 N7,9463,60110
Nerub-ar Palast
Heldenhaft8/8 H8,9393,86110
Normal8/8 N7,6023,23312
Heldenhaft8/8 H9193542
RealmID 394
GruppeID 345080
GildenID 14008

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 17 Stunden vor