Zuletzt gescannt 12 Stunden vor
Über Pandamonium |
Pandamonium is a CE-focused Horde guild on Mal'Ganis! Our main focus is to build and achieve CE every tier while having an active environment for guild members to enjoy end game content. Interested parties can expect a guild with a long history of always being active and leadership working hard towards our goals. The guild schedule is as follows:
Team 1 Raid Times – 7:00PM-10:00PM EST Saturday & Sunday Mythic/CE (No Namers)
Team 2 Raid Times - 10:00PM - 1:00AM EST Weds, Thurs AOTC (Meme Team)
If you would like to contact us for more information, or you would like to apply, please check out our recruitment discord at discord.gg/38zH5VN Raid Lead Team 1: Guild Master: Atrianna#1646 BNET, Atrianna Discord
Raid Lead Team 2: mcshloven Discord
Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |
Über Pandamonium |
Pandamonium is a CE-focused Horde guild on Mal'Ganis! Our main focus is to build and achieve CE every tier while having an active environment for guild members to enjoy end game content. Interested parties can expect a guild with a long history of always being active and leadership working hard towards our goals. The guild schedule is as follows:
Team 1 Raid Times – 7:00PM-10:00PM EST Saturday & Sunday Mythic/CE (No Namers)
Team 2 Raid Times - 10:00PM - 1:00AM EST Weds, Thurs AOTC (Meme Team)
If you would like to contact us for more information, or you would like to apply, please check out our recruitment discord at discord.gg/38zH5VN Raid Lead Team 1: Guild Master: Atrianna#1646 BNET, Atrianna Discord
Raid Lead Team 2: mcshloven Discord
Zuletzt aktualisiert 4 Wochen vor |