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Über Pathogen |
Founded in 2016 About Pathogen
We are a 2 day* Mythic progression guild with a history of Cutting Edge since Legion. Since Sanctum, our team has began to develop a more competitive environment while investing in a stable raid core. This is most evident with our successes since this time, with continued improvement in our ranking, including achieving HoF in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. Our raid schedule is as follows:
Tuesday - 8:30p - TBD* (optional raid day used for N/H early in tier, M prog for HoF push, and sales after prog is complete) Wednesday - 8:30p - 12:30a Thursday - 8:30p - 12:30a all raid times are in EST (GMT -5) Contact Information
If you would like to apply to the guild, please follow the Discord link: discord.gg/pathogen and use the ticket bot to create an application chat for yourself. If you need additional information, reach out to an officer ingame or contact our recruitment officer (Misatke) in Discord. If purchasing (gold only) a sale with us, please ensure you are speaking with one of our raiders or officers. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to Misatke in Discord or on Battle.net (Misatke#11483). CE History: Ansurek: US77 (HoF) Fyrakk: US59 (HoF) Sarkareth: US64 (HoF) Raszageth: US141 The Jailer: US152 Sylvanas: US280 Denathrius: US425 N'zoth: US264 Azshara: US266 Jaina: US254 G'huun: US283 Argus: US244 Kil'jaeden: US199 Gul'dan: US325 Xavius: US666 Zuletzt aktualisiert 11 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Inkbtw Beamte: Betaclass, Binkbtw, Buffmonks, Citisenz, Citisins, Citispins, Citizens, Citizins, Citizuns, Citizyns, Cranksmith, Dirkdiggler, Giveint, Glasha, Glashaa, Glashara, Glashas, Glazsha, Griefink, Hillrunner, Hogsqueezin, Jaeden, Misatke, Misdrake, Mistake, Mitaske, Nutsinbutts, Pathogen, Pepsisucks, Seaducer, Splasha, Wavydude, Wewassup, Xrzy, Yandhi, Zynuccino |
Über Pathogen |
Founded in 2016 About Pathogen
We are a 2 day* Mythic progression guild with a history of Cutting Edge since Legion. Since Sanctum, our team has began to develop a more competitive environment while investing in a stable raid core. This is most evident with our successes since this time, with continued improvement in our ranking, including achieving HoF in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. Our raid schedule is as follows:
Tuesday - 8:30p - TBD* (optional raid day used for N/H early in tier, M prog for HoF push, and sales after prog is complete) Wednesday - 8:30p - 12:30a Thursday - 8:30p - 12:30a all raid times are in EST (GMT -5) Contact Information
If you would like to apply to the guild, please follow the Discord link: discord.gg/pathogen and use the ticket bot to create an application chat for yourself. If you need additional information, reach out to an officer ingame or contact our recruitment officer (Misatke) in Discord. If purchasing (gold only) a sale with us, please ensure you are speaking with one of our raiders or officers. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to Misatke in Discord or on Battle.net (Misatke#11483). CE History: Ansurek: US77 (HoF) Fyrakk: US59 (HoF) Sarkareth: US64 (HoF) Raszageth: US141 The Jailer: US152 Sylvanas: US280 Denathrius: US425 N'zoth: US264 Azshara: US266 Jaina: US254 G'huun: US283 Argus: US244 Kil'jaeden: US199 Gul'dan: US325 Xavius: US666 Zuletzt aktualisiert 11 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Inkbtw Beamte: Betaclass, Binkbtw, Buffmonks, Citisenz, Citisins, Citispins, Citizens, Citizins, Citizuns, Citizyns, Cranksmith, Dirkdiggler, Giveint, Glasha, Glashaa, Glashara, Glashas, Glazsha, Griefink, Hillrunner, Hogsqueezin, Jaeden, Misatke, Misdrake, Mistake, Mitaske, Nutsinbutts, Pathogen, Pepsisucks, Seaducer, Splasha, Wavydude, Wewassup, Xrzy, Yandhi, Zynuccino |