Guild fehlt ab sofort in der Blizzard API.
Mar 13 2025 15:10 UTC
1 Tag vor
Über UNF

UNF: Rehab for Mythic Raiders

"Last tier was rough. Every week we wiped on the same boss, hoping to finally down the damned thing. 500 wipes, 600 wipes, got it! That lockout is saved forever, guildmaster doesn't believe we have the skill to ever kill that one again. CE is all that matters. Don't talk. Don't make friends. Shut up and wipe. GO! At least 100 attempts tonight! That sense of dread builds on raid nights. Start the clock! Is it break time yet? Is raid over yet? Ugh I need a drink..."

Sound familiar? You've got the desire, even the innate ability, but when it comes right down to it, you aren't defined by getting CE. We get it - we used to do the mythic raid grind too, until we realized we could just have fun raiding instead. If that describes you, then maybe it's time to rehab your raiding.

S4: We're doing fated heroic raids to pass time while building for Dragonflight, but it isn't our main focus. We're more focused on pushing higher M+ keys. Check your ego at the door. We're guildies, not just resources. Sound like your brand of vodka? Give us a shout.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 133 Wochen vor
Über UNF

UNF: Rehab for Mythic Raiders

"Last tier was rough. Every week we wiped on the same boss, hoping to finally down the damned thing. 500 wipes, 600 wipes, got it! That lockout is saved forever, guildmaster doesn't believe we have the skill to ever kill that one again. CE is all that matters. Don't talk. Don't make friends. Shut up and wipe. GO! At least 100 attempts tonight! That sense of dread builds on raid nights. Start the clock! Is it break time yet? Is raid over yet? Ugh I need a drink..."

Sound familiar? You've got the desire, even the innate ability, but when it comes right down to it, you aren't defined by getting CE. We get it - we used to do the mythic raid grind too, until we realized we could just have fun raiding instead. If that describes you, then maybe it's time to rehab your raiding.

S4: We're doing fated heroic raids to pass time while building for Dragonflight, but it isn't our main focus. We're more focused on pushing higher M+ keys. Check your ego at the door. We're guildies, not just resources. Sound like your brand of vodka? Give us a shout.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 133 Wochen vor


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RealmID 396
GruppeID 1726623
GildenID 1740381