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Über nVus |
Current Needs:
Currently recruiting all roles with special emphasis on healers. Sales:
Contact SeanTazzik#1979 on Bnet or seantazzik on discord for info! Selling HEROIC AND MYTHIC Amirdrassil! If you aren't talking to SeanTazzik#1979, you're likely getting scammed. Please add me on Bnet and double check it is really us you're talking with! About Us:
<nVus> is a long-standing competitive horde guild, raiding 3 nights a week from Legion to Shadowlands. Starting in Dragonflight we moved to a 4 day raid schedule, adding only 90 minutes to our raid week, for a total of 4 days, 3 hours each, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST/ 9:00PM - 12:00PM EST. We have achieved a history of high rankings and are aiming to be a highly competitive guild. Most of our roster has been raiding together for years, emphasizing respect among raiders and a progression focused raid. We as a guild plan one possible day of OT at the end of a tier if we believe it will help us achieve HOF, and outside of this generally frown on OT, staying late on a raid night, etc. We also do not require alts. Most of our Roster has played together for many tiers and we look for players who will fit in well with our culture. We are active outside of raid in other games or areas. We do Heroic Sales for Raiders that wish to attend, and we do Mythic Sales during farm in order to stock up on guild bank funds and get everyone enough coin to not worry about their gametime. We also supply everything that is related to raid or refund any costs related to raid during progression. Our Discord is always active as we play many games together and hang out, and anyone is welcome to join in regardless of status. <nVus> Progression History
The War Within
Rankings below were achieved on a 3-Day, 10.5 hour raid week with little to no OT. In DF, we've moved to a 4-Day 12 hour raid week. Shadowlands
Battle for Azeroth
What we Provide
What we Expect
Contact and Apply forms.gle/wYUzK8XyHubqwLSo8 Apply with the Google Forms link above; if you're serious about joining the guild, be serious with your app. Forward all questions to SeanTazzik#1979 on Battle.Net, preferably after applying. Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |
Über nVus |
Current Needs:
Currently recruiting all roles with special emphasis on healers. Sales:
Contact SeanTazzik#1979 on Bnet or seantazzik on discord for info! Selling HEROIC AND MYTHIC Amirdrassil! If you aren't talking to SeanTazzik#1979, you're likely getting scammed. Please add me on Bnet and double check it is really us you're talking with! About Us:
<nVus> is a long-standing competitive horde guild, raiding 3 nights a week from Legion to Shadowlands. Starting in Dragonflight we moved to a 4 day raid schedule, adding only 90 minutes to our raid week, for a total of 4 days, 3 hours each, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST/ 9:00PM - 12:00PM EST. We have achieved a history of high rankings and are aiming to be a highly competitive guild. Most of our roster has been raiding together for years, emphasizing respect among raiders and a progression focused raid. We as a guild plan one possible day of OT at the end of a tier if we believe it will help us achieve HOF, and outside of this generally frown on OT, staying late on a raid night, etc. We also do not require alts. Most of our Roster has played together for many tiers and we look for players who will fit in well with our culture. We are active outside of raid in other games or areas. We do Heroic Sales for Raiders that wish to attend, and we do Mythic Sales during farm in order to stock up on guild bank funds and get everyone enough coin to not worry about their gametime. We also supply everything that is related to raid or refund any costs related to raid during progression. Our Discord is always active as we play many games together and hang out, and anyone is welcome to join in regardless of status. <nVus> Progression History
The War Within
Rankings below were achieved on a 3-Day, 10.5 hour raid week with little to no OT. In DF, we've moved to a 4-Day 12 hour raid week. Shadowlands
Battle for Azeroth
What we Provide
What we Expect
Contact and Apply forms.gle/wYUzK8XyHubqwLSo8 Apply with the Google Forms link above; if you're serious about joining the guild, be serious with your app. Forward all questions to SeanTazzik#1979 on Battle.Net, preferably after applying. Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |