Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor
ALAMAK is a GMT+8 late night CE guild on Nagrand/Caelestrasz/Saurfang(Horde). Current Recruitment We are on the lookout for the following for our core mythic team: *Mdps : Havoc DH *Healer : Priest Dual Spec DPS/Tank and DPS/HPS Don’t see your class or spec? If you have exceptional mythic raiding experience and wish to join us, we’re keen to explore! Recruiting all classes/role except Hunter, Warlock Our Raid Timings Wednesday/Thursday/Monday 2145-0015 GMT+8 time (Sg/Perth time) 2345-0215 Server Time/GMT +10 time/AEST Ad-hoc Fri/Sat for casual/alt nites. Interested applicants may reach out to bnet Sirana#1517. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
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Zunftmeister: Slondh Beamte: Autumnsong, Bigmác, Catmoncorgi, Demonjagger, Dengar, Emchi, Exs, Jaggermaster, Krazeepri, Luminel, Nasmilk, Rhodie, Squírtle |
ALAMAK is a GMT+8 late night CE guild on Nagrand/Caelestrasz/Saurfang(Horde). Current Recruitment We are on the lookout for the following for our core mythic team: *Mdps : Havoc DH *Healer : Priest Dual Spec DPS/Tank and DPS/HPS Don’t see your class or spec? If you have exceptional mythic raiding experience and wish to join us, we’re keen to explore! Recruiting all classes/role except Hunter, Warlock Our Raid Timings Wednesday/Thursday/Monday 2145-0015 GMT+8 time (Sg/Perth time) 2345-0215 Server Time/GMT +10 time/AEST Ad-hoc Fri/Sat for casual/alt nites. Interested applicants may reach out to bnet Sirana#1517. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
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Zunftmeister: Slondh Beamte: Autumnsong, Bigmác, Catmoncorgi, Demonjagger, Dengar, Emchi, Exs, Jaggermaster, Krazeepri, Luminel, Nasmilk, Rhodie, Squírtle |