Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Irrelevant |
We are a more laid-back guild looking to recruit more people to push AOTC with for the next season as well as get everyone 2500 Mythic+ rating. Also want to push into getting RBGs going on the side. Everyone is welcome we will help you learn the game if you're new or help gear those returning to the game. All classes/roles accepted. Add - Taylox#11632 / Tac#1382 / Path#11831 for more info. Zuletzt aktualisiert 98 Wochen vor |
Über Irrelevant |
We are a more laid-back guild looking to recruit more people to push AOTC with for the next season as well as get everyone 2500 Mythic+ rating. Also want to push into getting RBGs going on the side. Everyone is welcome we will help you learn the game if you're new or help gear those returning to the game. All classes/roles accepted. Add - Taylox#11632 / Tac#1382 / Path#11831 for more info. Zuletzt aktualisiert 98 Wochen vor |