Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 4 Tage vor


ADJUST is a newly formed guild of long-time players looking to fill a few spots on the roster for not only progression raiding and multiple Mythic + teams but for a social guild for long-time players (as well as new!) that we can help train to be the best they can be and have a lot of fun. Accommodating group of core players who are ready and willing to help players of all skill levels complete content they are not used to being able to do. There are no egos in this guild and we will help any and all players who ask for class help. Our core group is VOTI 8/8N - 7/8H.

We are currently taking a break from raiding while we prepare for 10.1. Currently focusing on M+ and overall fun.

  • Guild Raid for alts, side content, etc): Thursday - 6:30 PM PST / 9:30 PM EST. Raids last 2 hours. This group is for guild alts, trial runs, and helping teach the raid to newer players. Entry-level raiding at its best. We are recruiting all classes and specs for this night.
  • Progression Raid: Friday and Saturday - 6:30 PM PST (Server) Time / 9:30 PM EST. Raids last 3 hours. This is for our AOTC and CE pushes. Gamers are needed here. Promotions to progression are available based on performance in Alt Raid.
Specific Classes being targeted for Progression:
  • Blood DK
  • Protection Warrior
  • Protection Paladin
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Restoration Druid
  • Arcane or Frost Mage
  • Any Rogues
  • Any Warlocks
  • Any Evokers
  • Any Priests

We are also recruiting for the social aspect, be it for others to have people to talk to at all hours, leveling groups to grind dungeons, or PvP BGs for fun with friends. Any and all for this tier are welcome.

Feel free to DM Qhween on Proudmore (bnet Dutha#1280) for more information.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 99 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Qhween

Beamte: Kaliad


ADJUST is a newly formed guild of long-time players looking to fill a few spots on the roster for not only progression raiding and multiple Mythic + teams but for a social guild for long-time players (as well as new!) that we can help train to be the best they can be and have a lot of fun. Accommodating group of core players who are ready and willing to help players of all skill levels complete content they are not used to being able to do. There are no egos in this guild and we will help any and all players who ask for class help. Our core group is VOTI 8/8N - 7/8H.

We are currently taking a break from raiding while we prepare for 10.1. Currently focusing on M+ and overall fun.

  • Guild Raid for alts, side content, etc): Thursday - 6:30 PM PST / 9:30 PM EST. Raids last 2 hours. This group is for guild alts, trial runs, and helping teach the raid to newer players. Entry-level raiding at its best. We are recruiting all classes and specs for this night.
  • Progression Raid: Friday and Saturday - 6:30 PM PST (Server) Time / 9:30 PM EST. Raids last 3 hours. This is for our AOTC and CE pushes. Gamers are needed here. Promotions to progression are available based on performance in Alt Raid.
Specific Classes being targeted for Progression:
  • Blood DK
  • Protection Warrior
  • Protection Paladin
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Restoration Druid
  • Arcane or Frost Mage
  • Any Rogues
  • Any Warlocks
  • Any Evokers
  • Any Priests

We are also recruiting for the social aspect, be it for others to have people to talk to at all hours, leveling groups to grind dungeons, or PvP BGs for fun with friends. Any and all for this tier are welcome.

Feel free to DM Qhween on Proudmore (bnet Dutha#1280) for more information.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 99 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Qhween

Beamte: Kaliad


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RealmID 419
GruppeID 1873237
GildenID 1879296

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 4 Tage vor