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Über Firehawk |
Firehawk on Proudmoore is a highly active WoW Guild that has been standing strong for over a decade. We are a widely inclusive guild seeking all talented players interested in joining our Mythic progression team, Corpse Run, and our Casual Heroic team, Twilight Fenix
Find us on the Guilds of Wow - https://guildsofwow.com/firehawk or contact us in Game or Discord.
** Corpse Run - CE Progression Team**
This team does have significant skill, play history and class ability requirements. Please see recruiting needs. All skilled players will be considered.
Twilight Fenix - Heroic Casual Team
This team has some skill and player ability requirements. Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Tèren Beamte: Arzula, Bresdemona, Breyna, Brezuko, Cainbaic, Cainbleck, Cainbless, Cainblink, Caingry, Cainlight, Cainstorm, Daturá, Dèathborn, Ephiia, Fireislyfe, Gilthee, Giltheeh, Giltheezen, Gilthiek, Gilthien, Gruubar, Halladi, Idies, Knuucks, Littleholy, Littlewolf, Littlèdeath, Littlèdragon, Lopanñ, Lopänn, Lyradain, Lyradale, Meoses, Meovoker, Tarsonis |
Über Firehawk |
Firehawk on Proudmoore is a highly active WoW Guild that has been standing strong for over a decade. We are a widely inclusive guild seeking all talented players interested in joining our Mythic progression team, Corpse Run, and our Casual Heroic team, Twilight Fenix
Find us on the Guilds of Wow - https://guildsofwow.com/firehawk or contact us in Game or Discord.
** Corpse Run - CE Progression Team**
This team does have significant skill, play history and class ability requirements. Please see recruiting needs. All skilled players will be considered.
Twilight Fenix - Heroic Casual Team
This team has some skill and player ability requirements. Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Tèren Beamte: Arzula, Bresdemona, Breyna, Brezuko, Cainbaic, Cainbleck, Cainbless, Cainblink, Caingry, Cainlight, Cainstorm, Daturá, Dèathborn, Ephiia, Fireislyfe, Gilthee, Giltheeh, Giltheezen, Gilthiek, Gilthien, Gruubar, Halladi, Idies, Knuucks, Littleholy, Littlewolf, Littlèdeath, Littlèdragon, Lopanñ, Lopänn, Lyradain, Lyradale, Meoses, Meovoker, Tarsonis |