
Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor

Über Unscuffed

++Unscuffed++ is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Sargeras Alliance. Our raiders have competed in various high-end mythic guilds and have been consistently achieving CE during several tiers.

++Schedule:++ Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday 9pm-12am EST (8pm-11pm Central, 6pm-9pm Pacific)


  • We are looking for exceptional players who can maintain minimum 90% attendance
    • Anyone interested in raiding will be required to fill out a short discord application (link at the bottom) and required to participate in a discord interview before joining
    • If you cannot make this commitment to the raid team, we also recruit mythic plus players that are interested in joining an active and competitive community for mythic plus!

++Expectations++ ++1. Class Knowledge++

  • Knowledgeable in all specs that you will be playing
  • Have knowledge of stat priorities, best in slot gear, etc ++2. Character++
  • Motivated to improve
  • Punctual, meaning you show up to raids on time and post in the attendance channel ahead of time when you know you cannot make raid
  • Able to take constructive criticism and advice from people
  • Able to be sat without causing issues
  • Don't be toxic, be respectful and an overall good person ++3. Preparedness++
  • Watch boss fights beforehand and check up on the strategies channel for all necessary information
  • Upkeep of your gear and stat priority
  • Knowledge of mechanics prior to raid
  • Focused and ready to perform

++Outside of Raid++

  • We are a guild who enjoy each others company. We play a lot of WoW together as well as a bunch of other games. We consistently engage with each other and we have a very active discord and guild community, we are always doing something! We encourage everyone to form strong relationships with each of our guild members to ensure that each member feels welcomed.
  • We run our optional heroic Tuesday starting at 9 EST
  • Alt Runs open to socials usually take place either on Friday or Saturday depending on what day works best for people that week (optional)

++Goal of the Guild++

  • To progress as efficiently and quickly as we can within our raid times (Wed/Thurs/Sun 9pm-12am EST). As a whole, we want to improve every tier as a unit and we always strive to be better than we were last tier and never regress. For every tier, our goal is to achieve CE in a non-stressful and timely fashion, while maintaining and building healthy relationships within the guild.
  • As the guild’s leaders, we acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a professional and unbiased manner. We are able to listen and are open to concerns guild members may have and are willing to discuss and resolve such issues. Our goal is to progress as quickly as we can. However, maintaining good relationships with our guild members is a big priority of ours.

++Consumables++ We will provide feasts, 2 cauldrons per raid, and vantus runes for Wed/Thu/Sun main raids.

++Contact Info++ If you are interested in joining or have any questions regarding the guild, please contact us or check out our application discord via this link to apply!

BattleNet: Loob #11461 Sylvanyss #1865

Discord: Loob #0462 Brettaaful #5048

Zuletzt aktualisiert 288 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick


Über Unscuffed

++Unscuffed++ is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Sargeras Alliance. Our raiders have competed in various high-end mythic guilds and have been consistently achieving CE during several tiers.

++Schedule:++ Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday 9pm-12am EST (8pm-11pm Central, 6pm-9pm Pacific)


  • We are looking for exceptional players who can maintain minimum 90% attendance
    • Anyone interested in raiding will be required to fill out a short discord application (link at the bottom) and required to participate in a discord interview before joining
    • If you cannot make this commitment to the raid team, we also recruit mythic plus players that are interested in joining an active and competitive community for mythic plus!

++Expectations++ ++1. Class Knowledge++

  • Knowledgeable in all specs that you will be playing
  • Have knowledge of stat priorities, best in slot gear, etc ++2. Character++
  • Motivated to improve
  • Punctual, meaning you show up to raids on time and post in the attendance channel ahead of time when you know you cannot make raid
  • Able to take constructive criticism and advice from people
  • Able to be sat without causing issues
  • Don't be toxic, be respectful and an overall good person ++3. Preparedness++
  • Watch boss fights beforehand and check up on the strategies channel for all necessary information
  • Upkeep of your gear and stat priority
  • Knowledge of mechanics prior to raid
  • Focused and ready to perform

++Outside of Raid++

  • We are a guild who enjoy each others company. We play a lot of WoW together as well as a bunch of other games. We consistently engage with each other and we have a very active discord and guild community, we are always doing something! We encourage everyone to form strong relationships with each of our guild members to ensure that each member feels welcomed.
  • We run our optional heroic Tuesday starting at 9 EST
  • Alt Runs open to socials usually take place either on Friday or Saturday depending on what day works best for people that week (optional)

++Goal of the Guild++

  • To progress as efficiently and quickly as we can within our raid times (Wed/Thurs/Sun 9pm-12am EST). As a whole, we want to improve every tier as a unit and we always strive to be better than we were last tier and never regress. For every tier, our goal is to achieve CE in a non-stressful and timely fashion, while maintaining and building healthy relationships within the guild.
  • As the guild’s leaders, we acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a professional and unbiased manner. We are able to listen and are open to concerns guild members may have and are willing to discuss and resolve such issues. Our goal is to progress as quickly as we can. However, maintaining good relationships with our guild members is a big priority of ours.

++Consumables++ We will provide feasts, 2 cauldrons per raid, and vantus runes for Wed/Thu/Sun main raids.

++Contact Info++ If you are interested in joining or have any questions regarding the guild, please contact us or check out our application discord via this link to apply!

BattleNet: Loob #11461 Sylvanyss #1865

Discord: Loob #0462 Brettaaful #5048

Zuletzt aktualisiert 288 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick



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RealmID 428
GruppeID 737007
GildenID 774559

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Woche vor