Zuletzt gescannt 22 Stunden vor
Über HardcoreCasuals |
HardcoreCasuals-Shandris/Bronzebeard is a group of like-minded adults who enjoy pushing heroic raid content as well as mythic keys. We are always looking for new members with the same motivation we have in the game. Being an adult usually means we have responsibilities outside of the game so we understand that too. We do offer server transfers for those who may be interested. If we sound like a place you would like to call home feel free to reach out. Bnet - Stryker#1631 Arthedain#1846 Zuletzt aktualisiert 145 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Arthedain Beamte: Adennos, Ambrai, Arthedaine, Arthestab, Arthritis, Auvry, Celiñ, Celìn, Celîn, Célin, Falundir, Farmergeorge, Fyga, Garvedian, Imili, Jerrý, Jeymian, Kalahandra, Kallandros, Krander, Kratoa, Lilen, Qualinesti, Rosvenir, Wikid, Wikidbowner, Wikidcurse, Wikidklaus, Wikidknight, Wikidmoist, Wikidpally, Wikidrage, Wikidtubby |
Über HardcoreCasuals |
HardcoreCasuals-Shandris/Bronzebeard is a group of like-minded adults who enjoy pushing heroic raid content as well as mythic keys. We are always looking for new members with the same motivation we have in the game. Being an adult usually means we have responsibilities outside of the game so we understand that too. We do offer server transfers for those who may be interested. If we sound like a place you would like to call home feel free to reach out. Bnet - Stryker#1631 Arthedain#1846 Zuletzt aktualisiert 145 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Arthedain Beamte: Adennos, Ambrai, Arthedaine, Arthestab, Arthritis, Auvry, Celiñ, Celìn, Celîn, Célin, Falundir, Farmergeorge, Fyga, Garvedian, Imili, Jerrý, Jeymian, Kalahandra, Kallandros, Krander, Kratoa, Lilen, Qualinesti, Rosvenir, Wikid, Wikidbowner, Wikidcurse, Wikidklaus, Wikidknight, Wikidmoist, Wikidpally, Wikidrage, Wikidtubby |