Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Puffbuffpass |
Puffbuffpass has been around since 2013. We raid Tu/Th 8:30pm-11:30pm EST. We have an active discord as well as active players. Our players push end game content in both raid and M+. Looking for skilled players to join raid team as well as our robust M+ community. If interested please contact: Nothin2fwit#4302 discord nothin2fwit#1600 bnet Zuletzt aktualisiert 83 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Nothintofwit Beamte: Atemydiction, Axeforhelp, Badnewsbear, Bodybaggedya, Bradicus, Bîblestudy, Drakelong, Jwdemoníc, Jwdèmonic, Jwdêmonic, Katharsiss, Lobodaga, Lobódaga, Locturnál, Mawashigeri, Mezcál, Mugilock, Nypd, Puffbuff, Ruthginsburg, Voghn, Voideie, Voidè, Voodooed, Windwärd, Zyrisa |
Über Puffbuffpass |
Puffbuffpass has been around since 2013. We raid Tu/Th 8:30pm-11:30pm EST. We have an active discord as well as active players. Our players push end game content in both raid and M+. Looking for skilled players to join raid team as well as our robust M+ community. If interested please contact: Nothin2fwit#4302 discord nothin2fwit#1600 bnet Zuletzt aktualisiert 83 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Nothintofwit Beamte: Atemydiction, Axeforhelp, Badnewsbear, Bodybaggedya, Bradicus, Bîblestudy, Drakelong, Jwdemoníc, Jwdèmonic, Jwdêmonic, Katharsiss, Lobodaga, Lobódaga, Locturnál, Mawashigeri, Mezcál, Mugilock, Nypd, Puffbuff, Ruthginsburg, Voghn, Voideie, Voidè, Voodooed, Windwärd, Zyrisa |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Welt | Region | Reich | |
Mystik | 1/8 M | 1,710 | 711 | 47 | |
Heldenhaft | 5/8 H | 4,335 | 1,834 | 125 | |
Normal | 8/8 N | 2,821 | 1,358 | 97 |