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Über Quack |
<Quack> is recruiting for War Within Mythic Raiding. Our goal is to run a fun, inclusive, adult raid team that can balance having fun with a progression mindset. We also welcome any community members for key pushing, PvP, or just to hang out with some chill peeps! Our discord is /invite/quack - feel free to come and hang out/ask questions! Recruitment Needs Nothing All competent & cool players are encouraged to apply, feel free to reach out! Raid Times Community Raid: Thurs 8:15 - 11:00 PM EST Main Raid: Fri/Sat 8:30 - 11:00 PM EST Message an officer for more info: Amelythan - Carbon#21282 - Carbon268 Ruinbow - Ruin#1744 - Ruinbow45 Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Aidana Beamte: Derpydruidz, Jëcca, Ruinbow, Veayk |
Über Quack |
<Quack> is recruiting for War Within Mythic Raiding. Our goal is to run a fun, inclusive, adult raid team that can balance having fun with a progression mindset. We also welcome any community members for key pushing, PvP, or just to hang out with some chill peeps! Our discord is /invite/quack - feel free to come and hang out/ask questions! Recruitment Needs Nothing All competent & cool players are encouraged to apply, feel free to reach out! Raid Times Community Raid: Thurs 8:15 - 11:00 PM EST Main Raid: Fri/Sat 8:30 - 11:00 PM EST Message an officer for more info: Amelythan - Carbon#21282 - Carbon268 Ruinbow - Ruin#1744 - Ruinbow45 Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |