Zuletzt gescannt 3 Tage vor
STUPID was originally formed on Mal’Ganis by friends who wanted to make some progress in mid-Tomb of Sargeras. Several mythic tiers later, we took a break for the latter half of Shadowlands, and are now returning for Dragonflight! We run frequent alt runs and M+ dungeons to help gear our members. We’re a close group of friends that wants to bring others into the fold, so apply today and prepare for a lot of, well, stupidity! Don't say we didn't warn you.
Progression: Vault of the Incarnates: 2/8M, 7/8H
Sepulcher of the First Ones: Inactive for this tier. Sanctum of Domination: 1/10M, 8/10H Castle Nathria: 8/10M, 10/10H Ny'alotha: 12/12H Raid Leader, 12/12M Officers Eternal Palace: 4/8M Officers Crucible: 2/2H Day 1 Raid Leader Dazar'alor: 7/9M Raid Leader, 9/9M Officers Uldir: 6/8H Antorus: 1/11M, 11/11H Tomb: 3/9M, 9/9H Recruitment: We are currently recruiting Mages, Elemental Shamans, Unholy Death Knights, and Balance Druids. Raid Times: We raid Saturdays and Sundays at 9 PM to 12 AM (Midnight) Server Time (EST) — 6 PM to 9 PM Pacific, 8 PM to 11 PM Central. Requirements: Must be willing to use Discord. Discord is an essential part of our raiding experience. It’s used to organize our raids, coordinate our boss fights, and simply interact! Microphones are preferred, but optional. While not mandatory, microphones help a ton. If you do not have one it’s recommended that you purchase one, especially if you wish to perform essential roles within the raid. Attendance Like most other guilds, we expect attendance from all of our members. We understand if you’ll be late or unable to make it, and if that's the case a PM to any Officer before the raid will suffice. Willingness to Improve Not everyone is a pro, but some of us want to get as close as we can. Everyone in our raid has things they can improve upon, and we frequently work with our players to improve their gameplay. How To Join: To inquire about or join the guild, contact Kohma, our Recruitment Officer, OR fill out our short application here: https://tinyurl.com/stupidapplication Kohma - Recruitment Officer Battletag: Goobydude#1137 Discord: Hol3s#1422 Zuletzt aktualisiert 114 Wochen vor |
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Zunftmeister: Zagon |
STUPID was originally formed on Mal’Ganis by friends who wanted to make some progress in mid-Tomb of Sargeras. Several mythic tiers later, we took a break for the latter half of Shadowlands, and are now returning for Dragonflight! We run frequent alt runs and M+ dungeons to help gear our members. We’re a close group of friends that wants to bring others into the fold, so apply today and prepare for a lot of, well, stupidity! Don't say we didn't warn you.
Progression: Vault of the Incarnates: 2/8M, 7/8H
Sepulcher of the First Ones: Inactive for this tier. Sanctum of Domination: 1/10M, 8/10H Castle Nathria: 8/10M, 10/10H Ny'alotha: 12/12H Raid Leader, 12/12M Officers Eternal Palace: 4/8M Officers Crucible: 2/2H Day 1 Raid Leader Dazar'alor: 7/9M Raid Leader, 9/9M Officers Uldir: 6/8H Antorus: 1/11M, 11/11H Tomb: 3/9M, 9/9H Recruitment: We are currently recruiting Mages, Elemental Shamans, Unholy Death Knights, and Balance Druids. Raid Times: We raid Saturdays and Sundays at 9 PM to 12 AM (Midnight) Server Time (EST) — 6 PM to 9 PM Pacific, 8 PM to 11 PM Central. Requirements: Must be willing to use Discord. Discord is an essential part of our raiding experience. It’s used to organize our raids, coordinate our boss fights, and simply interact! Microphones are preferred, but optional. While not mandatory, microphones help a ton. If you do not have one it’s recommended that you purchase one, especially if you wish to perform essential roles within the raid. Attendance Like most other guilds, we expect attendance from all of our members. We understand if you’ll be late or unable to make it, and if that's the case a PM to any Officer before the raid will suffice. Willingness to Improve Not everyone is a pro, but some of us want to get as close as we can. Everyone in our raid has things they can improve upon, and we frequently work with our players to improve their gameplay. How To Join: To inquire about or join the guild, contact Kohma, our Recruitment Officer, OR fill out our short application here: https://tinyurl.com/stupidapplication Kohma - Recruitment Officer Battletag: Goobydude#1137 Discord: Hol3s#1422 Zuletzt aktualisiert 114 Wochen vor |
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