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Über Invincible |
We are a social/raid guild comprised of several longtime members and real life friends bringing together teamwork, respect, loyalty, and friendship. Our ultimate goal is to play endgame content and have fun. We are currently shifting to a Mythic Raid oriented goal with CE as the culmination. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Dardistealth Beamte: Cambust, Camshammy, Dardispin, Dardisummon, Icetrax, Lirevenant, Lironbark, Morostotem, Nght |
Über Invincible |
We are a social/raid guild comprised of several longtime members and real life friends bringing together teamwork, respect, loyalty, and friendship. Our ultimate goal is to play endgame content and have fun. We are currently shifting to a Mythic Raid oriented goal with CE as the culmination. Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 Woche vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Dardistealth Beamte: Cambust, Camshammy, Dardispin, Dardisummon, Icetrax, Lirevenant, Lironbark, Morostotem, Nght |