8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 8th Schlachtzugswoche)
1/8 H

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 6 Tage vor

Über Audacity

Raid Times:

Our schedule is 8:30-11PM PST Tuesday and Thursday

About us:

We’re a mature group (mostly 25-35 yrs old) who have been playing together for the last 4 years in Audacity, although many of us have known each other for much longer. We play many games together outside of raiding and generally enjoy hanging out in discord, although you're obviously not required to do so. We like to have a good time, but we also know when it’s time to buckle down and push through difficult content. We have been pretty successful balancing both thus far.

Our raids:

We are a small guild and we expect high attendance. As such, we recruit people to raid and who can step in and contribute immediately. All spots are generally for raiders who can expect to be in most every raid. That said, some fights require specific raid compositions and we frequently make adjustments throughout the night if needed. It's important to not take substitutions personally. Players with geared alts are additionally helpful in these situations and many of us are multi-class players.

ALL exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of the class/role.

What we ask of you:

Effort: Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. You need to have the best gear currently available to you. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights. Be mindful that 19 others are relying on you. Not putting in the effort only hinders their experience as well.

Attitude: It’s a game after all; we play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken seriously. Be respectful. Know when it's okay to joke around and when its time to focus up. Constantly focusing on your parse on progression and nothing else will not be looked upon admirably. We play to kill bosses. We can get the number higher later.

Skill: The best way to determine skill is to see you in a raid. Be able to express your knowledge of your class and why you’re an exceptional player who would be an asset. Gear will come with time. Skill will not. Impress us with your knowledge of your class and gameplay mechanics. Officers spend time reviewing logs after every raid, discussing strong and weak performers. Be a player who's gameplay speaks for itself. Feel free to share any logs, theorycrafting, or other work you've done.

Commitment: We make a commitment to you and ask you to do the same for us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. It's a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit.

Should you wish to speak to someone in-game, please don't hesitate to reach out to an officer directly.

GM: TrixBunneh#1888 Officer: Emure#7349

Zuletzt aktualisiert 66 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Thebunneh

Beamte: Shenendoah

Über Audacity

Raid Times:

Our schedule is 8:30-11PM PST Tuesday and Thursday

About us:

We’re a mature group (mostly 25-35 yrs old) who have been playing together for the last 4 years in Audacity, although many of us have known each other for much longer. We play many games together outside of raiding and generally enjoy hanging out in discord, although you're obviously not required to do so. We like to have a good time, but we also know when it’s time to buckle down and push through difficult content. We have been pretty successful balancing both thus far.

Our raids:

We are a small guild and we expect high attendance. As such, we recruit people to raid and who can step in and contribute immediately. All spots are generally for raiders who can expect to be in most every raid. That said, some fights require specific raid compositions and we frequently make adjustments throughout the night if needed. It's important to not take substitutions personally. Players with geared alts are additionally helpful in these situations and many of us are multi-class players.

ALL exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of the class/role.

What we ask of you:

Effort: Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. You need to have the best gear currently available to you. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights. Be mindful that 19 others are relying on you. Not putting in the effort only hinders their experience as well.

Attitude: It’s a game after all; we play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken seriously. Be respectful. Know when it's okay to joke around and when its time to focus up. Constantly focusing on your parse on progression and nothing else will not be looked upon admirably. We play to kill bosses. We can get the number higher later.

Skill: The best way to determine skill is to see you in a raid. Be able to express your knowledge of your class and why you’re an exceptional player who would be an asset. Gear will come with time. Skill will not. Impress us with your knowledge of your class and gameplay mechanics. Officers spend time reviewing logs after every raid, discussing strong and weak performers. Be a player who's gameplay speaks for itself. Feel free to share any logs, theorycrafting, or other work you've done.

Commitment: We make a commitment to you and ask you to do the same for us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. It's a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit.

Should you wish to speak to someone in-game, please don't hesitate to reach out to an officer directly.

GM: TrixBunneh#1888 Officer: Emure#7349

Zuletzt aktualisiert 66 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Thebunneh

Beamte: Shenendoah


Befreiung von Undermine
Normal8/8 N9,8224,605193
Nerub-ar Palast
Heldenhaft8/8 H7,7973,325193
Normal6/8 N19,7469,446398
Heldenhaft1/8 H4,4521,92183
RealmID 468
GruppeID 2959
GildenID 47233

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 6 Tage vor