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is a late night Mythic raiding guild composed of many former CE raiders and current 1% M+ pushers Raid Recruitment Raid Time: Tues/Weds/Thurs 8:45-12:00 AM PST. All exceptional players are welcome. We are looking to crush it from the start in Season 2 of TWW. What We Are About We are a very friendly, very inviting guild. We have fun in other games besides World of Warcraft, however, we do take raiding very seriously. We WILL NOT tolerate toxic behavior or anything of the like. We raid competitively to have fun and kill bosses among likeminded players. What We Expect Professional Attitude. If you are going to be missing or leaving, give the GM or officers a headsup. It is courtesy to give two weeks notice if you're going to leave or 24 hour notice if you'll be missing for the day. Pushing Mentality If you just want to parse and look good on logs, this guild is NOT FOR YOU. We are trying to push guild rankings, so every cooldown planned is for killing the boss and not for your parse. **Application Link: forms.gle/54xZ1RZq3bkERksb9 ** Discord: swisheytich Bnet: Clownshoes#1739 Thank you. Zuletzt aktualisiert 5 Wochen vor |
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Zunftmeister: Swishey Beamte: Watusaybic, Zugglyfee |
is a late night Mythic raiding guild composed of many former CE raiders and current 1% M+ pushers Raid Recruitment Raid Time: Tues/Weds/Thurs 8:45-12:00 AM PST. All exceptional players are welcome. We are looking to crush it from the start in Season 2 of TWW. What We Are About We are a very friendly, very inviting guild. We have fun in other games besides World of Warcraft, however, we do take raiding very seriously. We WILL NOT tolerate toxic behavior or anything of the like. We raid competitively to have fun and kill bosses among likeminded players. What We Expect Professional Attitude. If you are going to be missing or leaving, give the GM or officers a headsup. It is courtesy to give two weeks notice if you're going to leave or 24 hour notice if you'll be missing for the day. Pushing Mentality If you just want to parse and look good on logs, this guild is NOT FOR YOU. We are trying to push guild rankings, so every cooldown planned is for killing the boss and not for your parse. **Application Link: forms.gle/54xZ1RZq3bkERksb9 ** Discord: swisheytich Bnet: Clownshoes#1739 Thank you. Zuletzt aktualisiert 5 Wochen vor |