Zuletzt gescannt 5 Tage vor
Über Vacancy |
Vacancy started up in 2007 with the release of the Burning Crusade. We started with the concept of everyone having a seat at the table when it comes to progression, ideas, and running a great online community. We always push ourselves to hit the next goal and have transformed into a fantastic inclusive place to not only perform at the highest levels, but to also work around a schedule that allows everyone to be comfortable and enjoy their life! We are a Mythic raiding guild that raids Wednesday/Thursday 7:00 EST to 10:00 EST. We finished with Vault and Aberrus CE. We are looking forward to getting ready for and progging in 10.2. On off raid nights we have many players running M+ and pushing keys, as well as playing other games together. Zuletzt aktualisiert 39 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Kylecgos Beamte: Aesia, Aradrath, Beebliterate, Beebogos, Beebö, Bluemonk, Bluewarrior, Brewnight, Ciccone, Cicconecgos, Devarksman, Devondruid, Devonmonk, Devonpaladin, Devonrogue, Devonwarrior, Faltêr, Felapsive, Garykrond, Infideath, Infiknight, Klazmaunt, Maunt, Midnightwing, Oblueterate, Praisehelix, Protmike, Quickwave, Saiintad, Saiinted, Sainnted, Saintedd, Shiftyklaz, Ssainted, Stabadrath, Tialorin, Tâven, Wetblue, Zêldo |
Über Vacancy |
Vacancy started up in 2007 with the release of the Burning Crusade. We started with the concept of everyone having a seat at the table when it comes to progression, ideas, and running a great online community. We always push ourselves to hit the next goal and have transformed into a fantastic inclusive place to not only perform at the highest levels, but to also work around a schedule that allows everyone to be comfortable and enjoy their life! We are a Mythic raiding guild that raids Wednesday/Thursday 7:00 EST to 10:00 EST. We finished with Vault and Aberrus CE. We are looking forward to getting ready for and progging in 10.2. On off raid nights we have many players running M+ and pushing keys, as well as playing other games together. Zuletzt aktualisiert 39 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Kylecgos Beamte: Aesia, Aradrath, Beebliterate, Beebogos, Beebö, Bluemonk, Bluewarrior, Brewnight, Ciccone, Cicconecgos, Devarksman, Devondruid, Devonmonk, Devonpaladin, Devonrogue, Devonwarrior, Faltêr, Felapsive, Garykrond, Infideath, Infiknight, Klazmaunt, Maunt, Midnightwing, Oblueterate, Praisehelix, Protmike, Quickwave, Saiintad, Saiinted, Sainnted, Saintedd, Shiftyklaz, Ssainted, Stabadrath, Tialorin, Tâven, Wetblue, Zêldo |