Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Dawnbreakers |
Dawnbreakers is a Multi-Faction/Cross-realm Guild on Wyrmrest Accord. We are currently recruiting healers, and a handful of geared and experienced DPS for our Raid group. We are a semi-casual guild with a specific focus on raiding. We started as a raid team and are split up across various servers and mostly run the community out of Discord. We are also interested in M+ as we got a few folks looking to push. We also hae some that are into PvP on a lesser scale. We keep a positive attitude and also leave ourselves open to constructive criticism to improve as a team. Raid Schedule is as follows:
Mains: Friday/Saturday: 10PM - 1AM Pacific
Alts: Sun: 9PM-12AM Pacific Questions message: jumbro85#1223 on Bnet or discord: jumbro Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 Tage vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Kúshton Beamte: Budaina, Budaroni, Budhunts, Budlock, Budorates, Budrock, Budrogon, Budsprout, Budstalker, Budwinkle, Budzug, Canabud, Doruidouman, Frostbud, Garison, Gazbud, Gimbud, Grifen, Guillèrmo, Kevdac, Kirobud, Kuradoria, Lavabud, Lichbud, Lilibud, Medvac, Naberíus, Neleka, Pótrick, Qot, Ravendel, Stonedbud, Valeerabud, Wardawg, Wildrake |
Über Dawnbreakers |
Dawnbreakers is a Multi-Faction/Cross-realm Guild on Wyrmrest Accord. We are currently recruiting healers, and a handful of geared and experienced DPS for our Raid group. We are a semi-casual guild with a specific focus on raiding. We started as a raid team and are split up across various servers and mostly run the community out of Discord. We are also interested in M+ as we got a few folks looking to push. We also hae some that are into PvP on a lesser scale. We keep a positive attitude and also leave ourselves open to constructive criticism to improve as a team. Raid Schedule is as follows:
Mains: Friday/Saturday: 10PM - 1AM Pacific
Alts: Sun: 9PM-12AM Pacific Questions message: jumbro85#1223 on Bnet or discord: jumbro Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 Tage vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Kúshton Beamte: Budaina, Budaroni, Budhunts, Budlock, Budorates, Budrock, Budrogon, Budsprout, Budstalker, Budwinkle, Budzug, Canabud, Doruidouman, Frostbud, Garison, Gazbud, Gimbud, Grifen, Guillèrmo, Kevdac, Kirobud, Kuradoria, Lavabud, Lichbud, Lilibud, Medvac, Naberíus, Neleka, Pótrick, Qot, Ravendel, Stonedbud, Valeerabud, Wardawg, Wildrake |