2/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 N
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 13th Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 6 Stunden vor

Über Dragonfly

Dragonfly is a casual raid & social guild that primarily focuses to provide progression and learning environments for those who otherwise are unable to meet any time, requirements, and expectations that other guilds have set due to the busy life or other real world issues. We welcome both Horde and Alliance players, but we are more dominantly Horde driven.

Aside from raiding, our guild also participates in other areas the game offers as well, including PvP, RP, keystones, and transmog/achievement runs. You do not need to be a raider to join, nor do you need to be max level. No past experience in anything is necessary to join us, and we welcome those with experience to share!



The War Within Season 2 Raiding Activities
Evening Raid (Thu/Sat @ 5:30pm PT - AOTC)

Looking for healers.

Ideal for east coast players or those needing a server evening start time. The team will run, typically, 2 hours each night every week until heroic goals have been obtained. We may also dip into meta achievements during the team’s hours after these goals are completed.

Night Raid (Fri/Sat @ 8:30pm PT - AOTC)

Open for DPS and a healer offspec.

Ideal for players needing a later in time or weekend only raid days. The team will run, typically, 2 hours each night every week until heroic goals have been obtained and may on the occasion do meta achievements if interest allows.

Mid-Day Raid (Sun @ 1:30pm PT - Normal, Heroic)

Later season endeavour. All roles welcome to apply.

A 2-3hr, single day raid team. The aim for this group is to cycle through normal difficulty, timewalking raids, and meta achievements. Alt and new raider friendly!

Casual Mythic Nights (Sat @ 7:00pm PT - Post AOTC)

We are not actively recruiting for roles, but do not mind inquiry. We are polling for interest after heroic goals have been achieved from Evening and Night raids.

Non-CE focused casual mythic progression that will occur after both Evening and Night raids have obtained their AOTC goals. This is a guild-wide effort for our AOTC raiders to experience early mythic content together as a blended raid for the remaining time of the season. We anticipate these nights to be a single night at 2-3 hours each week post AOTC and will cycle the roster through those interested.



Season 2 (TWW) Mythic+ Activities

Tanks and healers are in demand!

We do not mind if you are not part of the server, faction, or guild to join along in our m+ adventures. Most spontaneous runs begin after 4pm PT throughout the week and last until midnight, or later, as we have a wide variety of time availability.

Dungeon/Vault Night (Mon @ 6pm PT)

The aim is to get completion for vault loot and help gear. We do not expect timing high keys on this night and use this time to burn keys to help get more people familiar with mythic+ difficulties. Approximately a 4 hour event, come and go as needed!

KSM and Beyond Night (Tue @ 6pm PT)

A scheduled night with intentions of timing keys for KSM (early season focus) and pushing higher (later season focus). This event typically runs about 3-4 hours depending on role availability for the night, and no one is required to stay for the full duration.



For any further questions or comments, you’re more than welcome to hit us up in game, or in Discord if it is provided. We’d love to hear from you!

  • Jazjin (@jazjin.df Discord)
  • Ereshal/Anazk (In Game)
  • Svira (Alliance, In Game)
  • Blinter (In Game)
  • Thîcc (In Game)
  • Linedina (In Game, Mid-day)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor
Über Dragonfly

Dragonfly is a casual raid & social guild that primarily focuses to provide progression and learning environments for those who otherwise are unable to meet any time, requirements, and expectations that other guilds have set due to the busy life or other real world issues. We welcome both Horde and Alliance players, but we are more dominantly Horde driven.

Aside from raiding, our guild also participates in other areas the game offers as well, including PvP, RP, keystones, and transmog/achievement runs. You do not need to be a raider to join, nor do you need to be max level. No past experience in anything is necessary to join us, and we welcome those with experience to share!



The War Within Season 2 Raiding Activities
Evening Raid (Thu/Sat @ 5:30pm PT - AOTC)

Looking for healers.

Ideal for east coast players or those needing a server evening start time. The team will run, typically, 2 hours each night every week until heroic goals have been obtained. We may also dip into meta achievements during the team’s hours after these goals are completed.

Night Raid (Fri/Sat @ 8:30pm PT - AOTC)

Open for DPS and a healer offspec.

Ideal for players needing a later in time or weekend only raid days. The team will run, typically, 2 hours each night every week until heroic goals have been obtained and may on the occasion do meta achievements if interest allows.

Mid-Day Raid (Sun @ 1:30pm PT - Normal, Heroic)

Later season endeavour. All roles welcome to apply.

A 2-3hr, single day raid team. The aim for this group is to cycle through normal difficulty, timewalking raids, and meta achievements. Alt and new raider friendly!

Casual Mythic Nights (Sat @ 7:00pm PT - Post AOTC)

We are not actively recruiting for roles, but do not mind inquiry. We are polling for interest after heroic goals have been achieved from Evening and Night raids.

Non-CE focused casual mythic progression that will occur after both Evening and Night raids have obtained their AOTC goals. This is a guild-wide effort for our AOTC raiders to experience early mythic content together as a blended raid for the remaining time of the season. We anticipate these nights to be a single night at 2-3 hours each week post AOTC and will cycle the roster through those interested.



Season 2 (TWW) Mythic+ Activities

Tanks and healers are in demand!

We do not mind if you are not part of the server, faction, or guild to join along in our m+ adventures. Most spontaneous runs begin after 4pm PT throughout the week and last until midnight, or later, as we have a wide variety of time availability.

Dungeon/Vault Night (Mon @ 6pm PT)

The aim is to get completion for vault loot and help gear. We do not expect timing high keys on this night and use this time to burn keys to help get more people familiar with mythic+ difficulties. Approximately a 4 hour event, come and go as needed!

KSM and Beyond Night (Tue @ 6pm PT)

A scheduled night with intentions of timing keys for KSM (early season focus) and pushing higher (later season focus). This event typically runs about 3-4 hours depending on role availability for the night, and no one is required to stay for the full duration.



For any further questions or comments, you’re more than welcome to hit us up in game, or in Discord if it is provided. We’d love to hear from you!

  • Jazjin (@jazjin.df Discord)
  • Ereshal/Anazk (In Game)
  • Svira (Alliance, In Game)
  • Blinter (In Game)
  • Thîcc (In Game)
  • Linedina (In Game, Mid-day)

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Wochen vor


Befreiung von Undermine
Heldenhaft2/8 H8,8654,17861
Normal8/8 N6,6543,45540
Nerub-ar Palast
Heldenhaft8/8 H12,6305,82682
Normal8/8 N5,8882,88940
Heldenhaft2/8 H3,5791,51230
Normal8/8 N1,46570326
RealmID 487
GruppeID 6963
GildenID 86310

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 6 Stunden vor