Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über FwF |
Current Needs:
Healers: MW monk/ Disc/holy priest, Resto druid, Resto shaman, DPS High Needs: Warlock, Evoker Aug/Dev , Boomkin
Medium: Ele shaman or any hybrid who can offspec heal.
Raid times (Server Time) - 9:00pm - 1:00am EST Wednesday / Thursday
Attendance Realistically you should have 100% attendance barring real-life emergencies. Real-life always comes first, but in order to accomplish our goals everyone needs to show up. Do not apply if you cannot consistently attend raid.
Application Link forms.gle/Y6w8CjMqvPJwx762A Contacts (Battlenet IDS) Sugmux#1204 - Bnet / Discord - Liltaco#0801 Frizzaud#1778 Zuletzt aktualisiert 71 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Terraformer Beamte: Brantblaster, Dudemans, Dvz, Frizzdruid, Frizzpally, Hotdogdotcom, Iplayfotm, Keefbluntz, Keefbluntzz, Keefmage, Keefp, Keefwar, Lilqueef, Mechanicgodx, Nikknitro, Nothingonyou, Orangeclass, Qs, Sgmx, Sugmux, Taejuando, Terraditch, Terraglaive, Terragloomz, Terragodx, Terrastabs |
Über FwF |
Current Needs:
Healers: MW monk/ Disc/holy priest, Resto druid, Resto shaman, DPS High Needs: Warlock, Evoker Aug/Dev , Boomkin
Medium: Ele shaman or any hybrid who can offspec heal.
Raid times (Server Time) - 9:00pm - 1:00am EST Wednesday / Thursday
Attendance Realistically you should have 100% attendance barring real-life emergencies. Real-life always comes first, but in order to accomplish our goals everyone needs to show up. Do not apply if you cannot consistently attend raid.
Application Link forms.gle/Y6w8CjMqvPJwx762A Contacts (Battlenet IDS) Sugmux#1204 - Bnet / Discord - Liltaco#0801 Frizzaud#1778 Zuletzt aktualisiert 71 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Terraformer Beamte: Brantblaster, Dudemans, Dvz, Frizzdruid, Frizzpally, Hotdogdotcom, Iplayfotm, Keefbluntz, Keefbluntzz, Keefmage, Keefp, Keefwar, Lilqueef, Mechanicgodx, Nikknitro, Nothingonyou, Orangeclass, Qs, Sgmx, Sugmux, Taejuando, Terraditch, Terraglaive, Terragloomz, Terragodx, Terrastabs |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Welt | Region | Reich | |
Mystik | 1/8 M | 486 | 174 | 12 | |
Heldenhaft | 8/8 H | 180 | 64 | 5 | |
Normal | 8/8 N | 567 | 567 | 56 |