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Über Hexonyx |
https://wowaudit.com/us/zuljin/hexonyx/ ## About Us We have 2 raid teams, as such logs or a teams progression can be interesting to look at on sites such as warcraftlogs, for any questions please feel free to reach out to any discord listed below We are a friendly guild that moved to Zul’jin for Ny'alotha and future raid tiers from a small server. We host multiple raid teams, from normal/heroic style teams to CE teams. We have many people in the guild as well who do not raid, so if you're interested in other aspects of WoW, and can abide by the guild rules (see below!), please let us know and we would be happy to have you! As a guild, we have quite a few people who do M+s through the week, achievements, etc, and then always a couple who raid-log. Guild has some general ground rules…don’t be a jerk, we’re all in this together and playing for fun. No politics/racism/religion discussions (they devolve too quickly…), no bashing other people’s beliefs. To each their own, and to each their own peace. We try our best to maintain a drama-free environment, and like to think we’ve been pretty successful to this end over the years. Just, generally speaking, be a good human! We don't purely recruit for raid. If you want a guild to call a home, and can be a decent human and get along with people, you're welcome to join. Alts are welcome as well. ## Guild Contacts For Casual raiders only:
## Raid Teams: ### Dawn Raid
For recruitment, we are most interested in ensuring that your goals for what you want out of raid align with the raid's goals, and that you bring a positive attitude combined with a willingness to put in the work on your character to improve. If our recruitment needs match up with you, and you want a group of friendly people to progress/wipe/kill some CE end bosses with, let us know :) We only raid 7 hours a week, and it’s at an odd time, but we established a goal to try and full clear mythic content (CE) every tier. We take the 7 hours seriously, there are no "optional" raid days or anything, we get the time we get. This means we might use raid time clearing heroic, or extending at certain points, because we can't really make the time up elsewhere. To this end, if you are wanting to be part of the core team, strong attendance is required and you must let us know when you will be out. We manage attendance/roster through discord as well as a website, so a heads up is crucial to ensuring you're not letting 19+ other people down by missing. Life does happen, and we all know that, just let someone know that life happened :). We try not to maintain a bench of more than 3-4 people to try and ensure that everyone sees play and gets boss kills, but there will be times when benching occurs, and we still expect you to know your role/mechanics per fight and/or be available on-demand. Being in discord and/or watching streams after the fact during prog is extremely helpful. Environment
One final thing I'd like to add is an emphasis on the environment. I am only interested in building a team of people who recognize it is a team effort, and treat each other with respect. We kid around and have fun, but I want people willing to build themselves and the team up, not tear individuals down. Along these same lines, "ethical" players willing to press defensives, do certain mechanics, potentially play a weird role in a fight, or do what it takes to secure a progress kill for the team, rather than a parse for the individual. I say this so that there are no surprises in what we look for, and to give individuals that expectation up front, as I'm very aware not everyone wants that kind of environment. Raider Requirements
Equitable contribution to lifting the group, not just in raid but out of raid, is a prerequisite.
Recruitment needs
Exceptional applicants may always apply. ### Dusk Raid
Strong attendance is required - please do not apply if you cannot regularly make our raid hours. We maintain a roster of over 20 to allow for real life issues, we are all adults and sometimes real life happens, benching isn't always a comment on your skill, it's just a reality in mythic raiding. We do our very best to keep it actively rotating and officers will often sit the bench for rotations. Current recruitment needs:
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Panso Beamte: Cheex, Destrox, Dexp, Drinxadiin, Drinxidan, Drinxthyr, Huntix, Illidex, Metacin, Mudman, Murthrek, Nevermynd, Pansobeefs, Pansophist, Pansovoked, Pyrey, Shajitsu, Shiftstorm, Solaxis, Solizard, Solnen, Trayventhor, Underworld, Veluthil, Xdkay |
Über Hexonyx |
https://wowaudit.com/us/zuljin/hexonyx/ ## About Us We have 2 raid teams, as such logs or a teams progression can be interesting to look at on sites such as warcraftlogs, for any questions please feel free to reach out to any discord listed below We are a friendly guild that moved to Zul’jin for Ny'alotha and future raid tiers from a small server. We host multiple raid teams, from normal/heroic style teams to CE teams. We have many people in the guild as well who do not raid, so if you're interested in other aspects of WoW, and can abide by the guild rules (see below!), please let us know and we would be happy to have you! As a guild, we have quite a few people who do M+s through the week, achievements, etc, and then always a couple who raid-log. Guild has some general ground rules…don’t be a jerk, we’re all in this together and playing for fun. No politics/racism/religion discussions (they devolve too quickly…), no bashing other people’s beliefs. To each their own, and to each their own peace. We try our best to maintain a drama-free environment, and like to think we’ve been pretty successful to this end over the years. Just, generally speaking, be a good human! We don't purely recruit for raid. If you want a guild to call a home, and can be a decent human and get along with people, you're welcome to join. Alts are welcome as well. ## Guild Contacts For Casual raiders only:
## Raid Teams: ### Dawn Raid
For recruitment, we are most interested in ensuring that your goals for what you want out of raid align with the raid's goals, and that you bring a positive attitude combined with a willingness to put in the work on your character to improve. If our recruitment needs match up with you, and you want a group of friendly people to progress/wipe/kill some CE end bosses with, let us know :) We only raid 7 hours a week, and it’s at an odd time, but we established a goal to try and full clear mythic content (CE) every tier. We take the 7 hours seriously, there are no "optional" raid days or anything, we get the time we get. This means we might use raid time clearing heroic, or extending at certain points, because we can't really make the time up elsewhere. To this end, if you are wanting to be part of the core team, strong attendance is required and you must let us know when you will be out. We manage attendance/roster through discord as well as a website, so a heads up is crucial to ensuring you're not letting 19+ other people down by missing. Life does happen, and we all know that, just let someone know that life happened :). We try not to maintain a bench of more than 3-4 people to try and ensure that everyone sees play and gets boss kills, but there will be times when benching occurs, and we still expect you to know your role/mechanics per fight and/or be available on-demand. Being in discord and/or watching streams after the fact during prog is extremely helpful. Environment
One final thing I'd like to add is an emphasis on the environment. I am only interested in building a team of people who recognize it is a team effort, and treat each other with respect. We kid around and have fun, but I want people willing to build themselves and the team up, not tear individuals down. Along these same lines, "ethical" players willing to press defensives, do certain mechanics, potentially play a weird role in a fight, or do what it takes to secure a progress kill for the team, rather than a parse for the individual. I say this so that there are no surprises in what we look for, and to give individuals that expectation up front, as I'm very aware not everyone wants that kind of environment. Raider Requirements
Equitable contribution to lifting the group, not just in raid but out of raid, is a prerequisite.
Recruitment needs
Exceptional applicants may always apply. ### Dusk Raid
Strong attendance is required - please do not apply if you cannot regularly make our raid hours. We maintain a roster of over 20 to allow for real life issues, we are all adults and sometimes real life happens, benching isn't always a comment on your skill, it's just a reality in mythic raiding. We do our very best to keep it actively rotating and officers will often sit the bench for rotations. Current recruitment needs:
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Panso Beamte: Cheex, Destrox, Dexp, Drinxadiin, Drinxidan, Drinxthyr, Huntix, Illidex, Metacin, Mudman, Murthrek, Nevermynd, Pansobeefs, Pansophist, Pansovoked, Pyrey, Shajitsu, Shiftstorm, Solaxis, Solizard, Solnen, Trayventhor, Underworld, Veluthil, Xdkay |
Befreiung von Undermine | Fortschritt | Welt | Region | Reich | |
Mystik | 1/8 M | 615 | 270 | 19 | |
Heldenhaft | 6/8 H | 1,084 | 374 | 30 | |
Normal | 8/8 N | 384 | 384 | 46 |