Zuletzt gescannt 18 Minuten vor
Über Immortality |
We are currently recruiting members for Mythic raiding. We are 4/8H in Liberation and raid Tues/Wednesday 8pm - 11pm EST. We work with chill vibes, relaxing with friends and are looking to push in to Mythic in the next 2 weeks. Add me if you have any questions, papascream on Discord or Sourpower#1437 on Bnet. Zuletzt aktualisiert 5 Tage vor |
Über Immortality |
We are currently recruiting members for Mythic raiding. We are 4/8H in Liberation and raid Tues/Wednesday 8pm - 11pm EST. We work with chill vibes, relaxing with friends and are looking to push in to Mythic in the next 2 weeks. Add me if you have any questions, papascream on Discord or Sourpower#1437 on Bnet. Zuletzt aktualisiert 5 Tage vor |
RealmID 491
GruppeID 405798
GildenID 8097