Zuletzt gescannt 2 Tage vor
Über Omerta |
Hey friend, GM of <Omerta> on Zul'Jin here. We want to fill some spots and grow the guild as a community! We have 2 active teams for all gamers! <The Cataline Wine Mixer> Mythic on Tues/Wed 8-11 PM EST! <Heathens> AOTC Thurs/Fri 8-11 PM EST! (Former/Retired)<Plan B> AOTC Tues/Wed 8-11 PM EST! Alt runs each week on Sunday at the same times! Hold Mythic+ keys nights, especially Mythic Monday Madness! There are plenty of activities each week with people in Discord every day!!!!! GM: Tolo#11809 on BNET tolo. on Discord Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Bowlo Beamte: Aeiri, Aelerøn, Bacta, Beastyduck, Castyl, Chickenfriës, Cóexist, Darkwingdùck, Duckdrunkmnk, Duckhùnter, Duckwind, Dùck, Dúcky, Enazenezot, Enchanteduck, Frozle, Frøstnøva, Killshót, Lululida, Luluz, Luluz, Luluzsmash, Lynerea, Melanis, Myrkulyte, Naira, Nøvax, Orwasithim, Orwasitme, Orwasitmii, Orwasitshrek, Placidduck, Raleighy, Rektharn, Rockers, Rockerz, Rockerzz, Rocksholy, Rockshot, Rocksicle, Rockspop, Rockèrs, Rockérzz, Rutil, Rutila, Rutili, Rutilli, Sapharilla, Savedsoul, Shallvier, Strô, Thanexdrake, Tollidan, Tolock, Tolodin, Tologos, Toloknight, Tolorian, Toloshift, Tolostrasz, Tolotem, Tolotude, Tolowalker, Tolthemar, Trõgdor, Valnava, Varinn, Whiskeyduck, Zhaqal |
Über Omerta |
Hey friend, GM of <Omerta> on Zul'Jin here. We want to fill some spots and grow the guild as a community! We have 2 active teams for all gamers! <The Cataline Wine Mixer> Mythic on Tues/Wed 8-11 PM EST! <Heathens> AOTC Thurs/Fri 8-11 PM EST! (Former/Retired)<Plan B> AOTC Tues/Wed 8-11 PM EST! Alt runs each week on Sunday at the same times! Hold Mythic+ keys nights, especially Mythic Monday Madness! There are plenty of activities each week with people in Discord every day!!!!! GM: Tolo#11809 on BNET tolo. on Discord Zuletzt aktualisiert 16 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Bowlo Beamte: Aeiri, Aelerøn, Bacta, Beastyduck, Castyl, Chickenfriës, Cóexist, Darkwingdùck, Duckdrunkmnk, Duckhùnter, Duckwind, Dùck, Dúcky, Enazenezot, Enchanteduck, Frozle, Frøstnøva, Killshót, Lululida, Luluz, Luluz, Luluzsmash, Lynerea, Melanis, Myrkulyte, Naira, Nøvax, Orwasithim, Orwasitme, Orwasitmii, Orwasitshrek, Placidduck, Raleighy, Rektharn, Rockers, Rockerz, Rockerzz, Rocksholy, Rockshot, Rocksicle, Rockspop, Rockèrs, Rockérzz, Rutil, Rutila, Rutili, Rutilli, Sapharilla, Savedsoul, Shallvier, Strô, Thanexdrake, Tollidan, Tolock, Tolodin, Tologos, Toloknight, Tolorian, Toloshift, Tolostrasz, Tolotem, Tolotude, Tolowalker, Tolthemar, Trõgdor, Valnava, Varinn, Whiskeyduck, Zhaqal |