
3/8 M
Befreiung von Undermine
8/8 H
Befreiung von Undermine
Freigegeben Heldenhaft vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 1st Schlachtzugswoche)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palast
Freigegeben Mystik vor der Veröffentlichung der nächsten Schlachtzugsstufe.
(Verdient 7th Schlachtzugswoche)

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor

Über Refined
  • Monday will be added for prog
  • (Guild strawpolled our first ever day raid for Season 1 TWW), it passed.
  • If any extra days are added the entire guild has to agree, otherwise it will NOT happen.
  • US 148 SOFO | 2 nights / 8 hours per week
  • US 103 VOTI | 2 nights / 6 hours per week -- #1 6 hour guild
  • US 33 ATSC HOF | 4 nights / 12 hours per week
  • US 25 ATDH HOF | 4 nights / 12 hours per week
  • US 19 NP HOF | 4 nights / 16 hours per week
Raid Times

» Monday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Tuesday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Wednesday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Thursday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST

  • 1 geared ALT required -- (Potentially adding a 2nd alt)
  • Show up to raid on time & be in Discord 15 minutes early if possible
  • Come prepared for every raid + encounter
  • Maintaining your character throughout the tier with weekly vaults, rep grinds, etc for player power
  • Spending gold to craft gear / buy enchants
  • All Raiders and Trials are expected to have 90% attendance throughout the tier
  • We are always looking to expand our roster with strong, motivated, and experienced players. We expect players to be open to constructive criticism and healthy discussions on improvement
  • Experienced players interested in playing Augmentation Evoker please reach out
Contact Info:

Healing Officer/RL - oyurii (Discord)

GM-DPS/co RL - macrozj (Discord)

Officer - devastation (Discord)

Please contact devastation concerning all sales. We only advertise on Zul'jin and accept GOLD ONLY!

Apply @ Please apply before contacting us with any questions.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Macroh

Beamte: Bootypls, Devbear, Devbezos, Devhunt, Devpally, Devwar, Macroe, Macrohh, Macrom, Macrosham

Über Refined
  • Monday will be added for prog
  • (Guild strawpolled our first ever day raid for Season 1 TWW), it passed.
  • If any extra days are added the entire guild has to agree, otherwise it will NOT happen.
  • US 148 SOFO | 2 nights / 8 hours per week
  • US 103 VOTI | 2 nights / 6 hours per week -- #1 6 hour guild
  • US 33 ATSC HOF | 4 nights / 12 hours per week
  • US 25 ATDH HOF | 4 nights / 12 hours per week
  • US 19 NP HOF | 4 nights / 16 hours per week
Raid Times

» Monday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Tuesday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Wednesday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST
» Thursday: 7:45pm – 12:00am EST

  • 1 geared ALT required -- (Potentially adding a 2nd alt)
  • Show up to raid on time & be in Discord 15 minutes early if possible
  • Come prepared for every raid + encounter
  • Maintaining your character throughout the tier with weekly vaults, rep grinds, etc for player power
  • Spending gold to craft gear / buy enchants
  • All Raiders and Trials are expected to have 90% attendance throughout the tier
  • We are always looking to expand our roster with strong, motivated, and experienced players. We expect players to be open to constructive criticism and healthy discussions on improvement
  • Experienced players interested in playing Augmentation Evoker please reach out
Contact Info:

Healing Officer/RL - oyurii (Discord)

GM-DPS/co RL - macrozj (Discord)

Officer - devastation (Discord)

Please contact devastation concerning all sales. We only advertise on Zul'jin and accept GOLD ONLY!

Apply @ Please apply before contacting us with any questions.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Wochen vor
Schneller Blick

Zunftmeister: Macroh

Beamte: Bootypls, Devbear, Devbezos, Devhunt, Devpally, Devwar, Macroe, Macrohh, Macrom, Macrosham


Befreiung von Undermine
Mystik3/8 M60131
Heldenhaft8/8 H165501
Normal8/8 N19319319
Nerub-ar Palast
Mystik8/8 M60192
Heldenhaft8/8 H36261
Normal8/8 N2,2461,00574
Heldenhaft4/8 H2,6741,10247
RealmID 491
GruppeID 1696215
GildenID 1712130

Wichtig: Um eine genaue Aufzeichnung des ersten Tötens eines Schlachtzugsbosses zu haben, müsst ihr eure Gilde in die Warteschlange für ein Update stellen, bevor ihr den Boss zum zweiten Mal tötet.

Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor