Zuletzt gescannt 1 Tag vor
Über Resurgence |
Resurgence is a Mythic raiding guild on Zul'jin. We raid on a lighter 6hr/week schedule, with the goal to get CE every tier while keeping the game stress-free, drama-free, and fun. Raid Schedule
Tuesday 9:00pm - midnight EST Wednesday 9:00pm - midnight EST We also usually run an optional Sunday night raid for gear/alts/fun, as long as there is interest Recruitment
We are always looking for new talented players, regardless of class/spec/role. Skilled DPS players are always in need. More specifically, ranged DPS players, and ones who are comfortable playing tank/healer off specs in a raid environment are preferred. With our CE goal, a certain level of performance will be required, both from a throughput perspective as well as handling raid mechanics. Having logs which demonstrate your ability in raid are helpful. And lastly, keep in mind that all spots are competitive, and all applications are welcome. If you are interested please reach out to any of the officers listed here, or submit an application via this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18uHL3gqk-06uU1xYOfdT8DbI7o9VaAYl5GBEBIpkdII
Phil - Recruitment officer
Pain : GM and Raid Leader
Thanks for considering our community, we hope to see you in game! -Pain Zuletzt aktualisiert 73 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Painslayer Beamte: Painbane, Painbeast, Paindaddy, Paindemonea, Paindemonium, Paindoctor, Paindora, Painhammer, Painmonster |
Über Resurgence |
Resurgence is a Mythic raiding guild on Zul'jin. We raid on a lighter 6hr/week schedule, with the goal to get CE every tier while keeping the game stress-free, drama-free, and fun. Raid Schedule
Tuesday 9:00pm - midnight EST Wednesday 9:00pm - midnight EST We also usually run an optional Sunday night raid for gear/alts/fun, as long as there is interest Recruitment
We are always looking for new talented players, regardless of class/spec/role. Skilled DPS players are always in need. More specifically, ranged DPS players, and ones who are comfortable playing tank/healer off specs in a raid environment are preferred. With our CE goal, a certain level of performance will be required, both from a throughput perspective as well as handling raid mechanics. Having logs which demonstrate your ability in raid are helpful. And lastly, keep in mind that all spots are competitive, and all applications are welcome. If you are interested please reach out to any of the officers listed here, or submit an application via this google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18uHL3gqk-06uU1xYOfdT8DbI7o9VaAYl5GBEBIpkdII
Phil - Recruitment officer
Pain : GM and Raid Leader
Thanks for considering our community, we hope to see you in game! -Pain Zuletzt aktualisiert 73 Wochen vor |
Schneller Blick |
Zunftmeister: Painslayer Beamte: Painbane, Painbeast, Paindaddy, Paindemonea, Paindemonium, Paindoctor, Paindora, Painhammer, Painmonster |