Getting the Most from Raider.IO in Dragonflight Season 1

Dragonflight is upon us!
Raider.IO has grown so much over the years, and without our amazing community, none of it would have been possible. What was once just a Raid and Mythic+ progression tracking platform has become a hub for news, events, and various features/tools – some of which you might not know about yet!
Want a refresher on the different features Raider.IO is offering in Dragonflight? Read on to learn more about our website, in-game tools, and social media features to help you glide through the new Season!

Table of Contents
- Raider.IO Website
• Raid and M+ Leaderboards • Character Info and Talents • Guild and Player Recruitment • Mythic+ Teams • Realm Pages • Multilingual Support - Inside the Game
- Social Media Features

Raider.IO Website
There are many features and tools to find on our website from WoW PvE Twitch streamers, to Weekly Routes that can help you get started in Mythic+, to a variety of articles and interesting interviews with players and community figures, including Blizzard’s Game Director Ion Hazzikostas! We also offer extensive Live Coverage for events such as the Race to World First (RWF) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI)!
Outside of news and events, there are many more things to find on our website, so let’s take a look at some of our offerings.
Our extensive leaderboards for Raiding and Mythic+ have always been the hallmarks of our website. Whether you want to check out the Mythic+ class specific rankings or whoever timed the highest key in a specific dungeon, we’ve got you covered. Simply change the search filters at the top of the leaderboards and you will surely find what you are looking for, reaching as far back as when Mythic+ first started in Legion!

Our Raid Leaderboards are just as comprehensive, with many filters available to check for the best guilds within a specific raid-tier, region, faction, or language-specific guilds from all around the world.

We also cover the RWF and major tournaments like the MDI and The Great Push (TGP). You can find all of these on our front-page whenever these events are happening, and they are a great way to stay up-to-date on new developments if you are unable to watch the events live on stream.

As we say goodbye to Shadowlands, we also must part ways with Soulbinds, Conduits, and Covenant abilities. Fret not; Dragonflight offers quite a bit of new customization with the new Talent Tree system that can drastically change the way each class/spec plays.
We have reworked both the character pages and the Mythic+ runs themselves to include all the important information about every player's talent choices and how they set up their characters.

Additionally, we now enable you to quickly copy the entire talent-tree for easy importing into the game! Want to quickly change your talents to the ones used by the #1 player of your spec for a specific dungeon? With just two clicks, you can play the same setup!

Just like in previous expansions, you can still find a lot of other information on every character's page in Dragonflight and customize your page(s) as you see fit!
In January 2022, we officially launched the Raider.IO Recruitment System. Shortly after the launch, we also added major updates with the addition of Mythic+ Teams recruitment.
You can set up a Recruitment profile on Raider.IO for a guild, individual characters, or even a dedicated Mythic+ Team. Setting up a profile is simple and straightforward, and with our advanced search system, it has never been easier to find and connect with other players to group up with that match your ambitions, schedule, and skill level.

Speaking of Mythic+ Teams, have you created yours yet? Mythic+ Teams are a great way for you to track your progress with your friends and accrue Team Score on multiple specs. Although only up to 7 individual players are allowed to join any given team, the amount of characters each of these players can add to the team is unlimited! Not only does this allow your team to look for new players if you happen to need a specific role for your future Mythic+ pushing endeavors, but it also gives you a chance to improve your team's Mythic+ score when switching to certain classes for specific dungeons.
Depending on the success of your team, you will be ranked into one of many brackets appropriate for your skill level. Many of our Raider.IO competitions and giveaways award prizes for the best teams in each of the brackets, such as the Mythic+ Charity Pro-Am or our Break the Meta and Push Week events.

A new feature on our website that has launched alongside Dragonflight are our new Realm and Region pages. These provide an overview of all the same leaderboards and rankings you are accustomed to seeing on Raider.IO, but filtered for specific regions, like NA or EU, or individual realms like EU-Twisting Nether or US-Ragnaros.
These pages also show the most recent recruitment posts (with Patreon Supporters having a fancy border around theirs!) for each individual region, and Realm Pages offer a summary of domestic guilds’ raid progression, Mythic+ Score distribution across all players, Realm Population, and much more!

As our site has grown, so has the demand for multilingual support. With a community and player base as diverse as World of Warcraft, we want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to connect with other players through Raider.IO. We have now added support for several more languages, including German, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and more.
We are always on the lookout for more volunteers that are willing to help with translating Raider.IO to be as accessible as possible. If you are interested, please be sure to reach out to our staff!

Inside the Game
To present all of our website’s offerings as quickly and accurately as possible, we use the Blizzard API. However, it helps immensely if users run the Raider.IO Addon and Client to collect and provide information for their raid progress, their Mythic+ runs, or their individual accomplishments. Ensuring that these two tools run in the background not only helps us make Raider.IO the best it can be, but it also benefits each user with faster site and score updates. Additionally, the Raider.IO Client ensures that no information is lost for our users and enables the use of widgets and tools that are unavailable otherwise.
The Raider.IO Addon offers the ability to share your Mythic+ score with others and the ability to search for players of any region that you’ve downloaded data for. When using LFG, the Raider.IO Addon allows you to see people’s Mythic+ and Raid progress, and they can see yours! Running the Raider.IO Addon yourself makes it easier to find the players that you want to play with for your Raid or Mythic+ endeavors, with many settings that enable you to customize the information you want to be shown.

You can also search for this information for any player from any realm or region without having to switch to your browser!

In order to provide even more information to all our users, we developed the Raider.IO Desktop Client. What was initially just a tool to help us glean more information from guilds participating in the Race to World First (RWF) by allowing us to track every single one of their pulls in detail, our Client has evolved into something that can be used by anyone, not just World First raiders!
By enabling the Live Tracking feature in the client, you not only get automatic updates for your Raider.IO Addon, but it will automatically start logging any combat in a dungeon or raid. Changes to Mythic+, Raid leaderboards, Raid progress, and more will be updated almost instantly by using our Client. Furthermore, the Client allows you to use all of our Stream Widgets to enhance your Twitch streams with overlays, additional data, and live progress updates. It also helps update Mythic+ runs that are not available through the Blizzard API (such as timed Mythic+ runs with the same group of people that you already have a higher depleted key with).
So what’s in it for you? TLDR: The Raider.IO Client offers the quickest way to get your score and progress updated for each of your characters, and allows you to use many of our Stream Widgets. For more information on the Raider.IO Client and Addon, click here.

Social Media Features
With all the data and information that Raider.IO collects, we wanted to help players showcase their accomplishments to others and stay informed about the newest developments to the Raider.IO leaderboards both inside and outside of the game. Here are a few of our Social Media Features!
One of the easiest ways to show off your progress on Twitch is through our new and improved Raider.IO Twitch Extension. You can quickly add the Raider.IO M+ Extension to your stream by going to your creator dashboard on Twitch. Although you might be familiar with the old version our Twitch Extension, we have given it a facelift for Dragonflight — you are now able to copy talents off of our Twitch extension and glean more information about every character that is linked to the account, such as gear loadouts, talent choices, Mythic+ score, highest keys played, and Raid progress.

As mentioned earlier, activating the Live Tracking in your Raider.IO Client allows you to generate a variety of cool Stream Widgets that you can add to your stream overlay. From a quick overview of your guild's current progress to comparing pull-counts and percentages of different guilds to your own – we’ve got it all! Configuring each of these features to your liking is simple, as each of our available widgets can be configured on our website, with multiple styles available for Boss Progress Widgets!

Similar to our Stream Widgets, we have plenty of Discord Alerts you can set up for free. On our Discord Alerts webpage, you can select all the updates that you’d like to broadcast on Discord. Once you have selected the ones you want, you can quickly add them to any server that you moderate by clicking the “Add Webhook to Discord” button at the bottom. You can change which alerts you would like to have shown at any point.

We know that lots of you run ad blockers. We won’t ask you to stop using them, but we do ask you to consider adding Raider.IO to your chosen ad blocker's Allow List. This is the easiest way for you to help Raider.IO remain a completely free service. There are significant costs involved in running Raider.IO, from tracking every Mythic+ run, Raid kill, hosting Events and Giveaways, and more. You can support the Raider.IO team directly through our Patreon, which grants you access to exclusive perks, including ad-free browsing on the site!
Depending on what tier you subscribe to on our Patreon, we offer several notable benefits to improve your experience with Raider.IO’s website and features such as:
- Ad-free experience on our website
- Queue priority for page updates
- Custom Vanity URL(s) for your guild or character
- More regular data sync of the Raider.IO Client (up to 8x a day)
- Highlighted Recruitment Posts on the Website
- Discord Rank and Channel for Patreon Supporters
- Minimum Score Requirements removed from Addon
- Highlight for Supporters on the Leaderboards
Browse Raider.IO AD-FREE!
Minimum score requirement removed from addon
Elevated queue priority
Custom Vanity URL for your guild or character
Desktop client updates scores 4 times a day
Exclusive profile header background options
Revered Patron rank in Discord
All rewards from Revered tier
Desktop client updates scores 8 times a day
Queue priority elevated above Revered
Utilize up to 2 Custom Vanity URLs
Automatically qualify for all locked header backgrounds
Exalted Patron rank in Discord
All rewards from Exalted tier
Queue priority elevated above Exalted
Auto-scan your Characters, Guilds, and M+ Teams each day
Found up to 4 Mythic+ Teams
Utilize up to 4 Custom Vanity URLs
Illustrious Patron rank in Discord
We wish everyone a fantastic time in Dragonflight!
- NEW: Raider.IO Recruitment System
- Set up Raider.IO Stream Widgets
- Set up Raider.IO Discord Alerts
- Download the Raider.IO Client
- Follow Raider.IO on Twitter
- Join Raider.IO on Discord
- Support Raider.IO on Patreon
About the Author
Seliathan has been playing Rogue for over half his life, since the initial release of WoW over 16 years ago. After a long career of Raid Leading, Theorycrafting, and pushing Mythic+, Seliathan enjoys creating all kinds of PvE content on Twitch, co-hosting the Tricks of the Trade Rogue podcast, contributing to the Raider.IO RWF Coverage, and writing guides for Icy Veins.