Fireside Tales: Sindragosa

Love is in the Air! While many of us are still hoping for our X-45 Heartbreakers to drop, there are other ways to spend Valentine’s Day. Today, let’s take a look at Sindragosa: the beloved consort of Malygos.
Although not much is known about their relationship, pieces of Sindragosa’s tragic story and her love of Malygos have been brought to light through some of the recent lore in Dragonflight and her involvement with The Azure Vault.
Cozy up by the fire with us for a little romance lore!
“Malygos and Sindragosa” - Fan art by Kа́gest Aldani

Table of Contents

Sindragosa’s Tragic Demise
In terms of close relationships, dragons typically call their closest bonds “consorts”. While some relationships between dragons may be of a practical nature to ensure diversity in children, there are others that are born of love.
Sindragosa and Malygos were a pair in love. Although we know a fair deal about Malygos, Sindragosa has not had much of her personal story fleshed out. What we do know is that she was labeled Malygos’ prime consort.

Photo credit: Blizzard. Sindragosa Hearthstone card
Sindragosa was also part of the charge against Neltharion when the other dragons realized something was going on with him during the Sundering. When he turned the Demon Soul on the Blue Dragonflight, Sindragosa was caught in the blast and sent flying into the frozen wastes of Icecrown. Is this meant to be foreshadowing? Absolutely.
The initial blast did not outright kill Sindragosa, but time was running out and she knew it. She tried to call out for Malygos, only to be met with the howling wind, and she attempted to slowly make her way to Dragonblight since she was unable to fly.
Her sanity also deteriorated as she did, turning her thoughts to bitterness and hatred, and vowing revenge. She died in Icecrown never having reached the ancient resting place of dragons.

Queen of the Frostbrood
The Dragonflight expansion is not the first time we’ve seen Sindragosa. If you started playing WoW in recent years, you may not realize she made a pretty key appearance in Wrath of the Lich King, and will also be present in Wrath Classic… Well, Soon™.
The Lich King woke from his long slumber with a plan to bolster his forces. He raised Sindragosa from her icy grave as an undead frost wyrm and Queen of the Frostbrood. He also raised her lost whelps as an affront to her, much like how he tortured Sylvanas in different ways. He would also use her as a mount – which, given some of the interactions we’ve had with some dragons and her own hatred of mortals (and pretty much everyone else following her death), this feels super rude.

She also defended the Lich King as a raid boss in Icecrown Citadel (ICC), which is also coming to Wrath of the Lich King Classic (and hopefully without the same bugs we all remember from the first time around). We also see the mark of some of the mechanics being brought forward into other raids and dungeons, the most obvious current one being in Halls of Infusion.

Following her defeat, players brought her crystalline essence to Kalecgos at Wyrmrest Temple, where he said some words hoping for peace for her soul. This used to be part of a weekly raid quest for ICC that does not exist in Dragonflight…but perhaps it will return for Wrath Classic? Only time will tell.

Sindragosa in Dragonflight
It wasn’t until Dragonflight that we learned a little more about Sindragosa’s story.
First, we encounter a voice speaking to us that we can’t identify.

Then, we finally gain access to the arcane simulacrum that she left behind before the Sundering.

Pictured: The arcane simulacrum of Sindragosa speaking with Kalycgos
Through the story quests in-game, we learn that Sindragosa was kind and loving – offering advice to Kalecgos since she sees him as one of her own.

Pictured: Sindragosa proposes working together with Kalycgos
But inside The Azure Vault, which was her own personal library, we get more.
The first boss, Leymor, is the result of a gift. Malygos had given Sindragosa arcane seeds a long time ago. In the absence of Sindragosa, and perhaps the breakdown of some of the defenses and upkeep meant for The Azure Vault, the seeds grew without care, becoming overgrown and requiring pruning, which of course we oblige.
After we take down Azureblade, Sindragosa seems a little guilty. She left Azureblade here, alone, to be consumed by madness.
Sindragosa is worried about the presence of The Sundered Flame: Telash Greywing. The rebel Dracthyr, led by Telash Greywing are attempting to break through any barriers to find any secrets for their own. They found Umbrelskul.
Sadly, we learn that Umbrelskul is Sindragosa’s own child, whose body has been twisted by wild magics and turned crystalline. Even though the Sindragosa we know is a simulacrum, she’s saddened by the need to kill Umbrelskul and that she hadn’t been able to develop a cure for him.

Given some of her other almost cryptic comments to us and Kalecgos, we hope to learn more about Sindragosa’s life and tribulations. She mentions being too merciful a number of times to Kalecgos as he heads off to face Raszageth. It could also be possible she was alive for the initial war against the Incarnates, or at least a portion of it.
Now, there was one other questline that told more about Sindragosa and Malygos’s love for one another. Just outside Camp Antonidas, there are a couple of vulpera that have an unusual ability to find runes that are embedded into the ruined tower. We follow them and discover they reveal a song about lovers. It could also just be a poem, but we’re going to assume it’s a song because of what happens next.

We’re sent to the top of the ruined tower where we find the remains of a dragonkin named Divo Songscale, whose spirit cannot rest.

Divo tells us this entire tower was built as a testament to their love. It really is some beautiful poetry, and given the name, it had to be a song, right? Oh, and you can’t forget that we get a whole compendium of Divo’s songs as a toy!

Closing Thoughts
Sadly, not much more is known about Sindragosa and her relationship with Malygos. However, there are threads of lore that have shown us that the two meant a great deal to each other as prime consorts. For now, all we can do is enter The Azure Vault and hear the whispers of Sindragosa’s past and wonder what could have been had she lived to see us enter Dragonflight as more than a simulacrum.
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About the Author
Senppai (they/them) is an Indigenous, 2SLBGTQIA+, Canadian content creator and a huge lore nerd. Their stream consists of almost all different WoW content. They're always down to answer questions about lore. They're also the Lore Walker over at Azeroth: A History, a podcast looking at Warcraft lore and how it fits today. Many times, Senppai is joined everywhere by Jarvis, the ginger demon kitty.