Recent Updates with user "Gogogadgetkat"

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Must-Have AddOns and WeakAuras for The War Within

The War Within Season 1 TRULY kicks off this Tuesday with the opening of Mythic Nerub-ar Palace and Mythic+. Browse this curated list of AddOns and WeakAuras to find some great resources for all your Mythic+, raiding, leveling, and other quality-of-life needs!

Dragonflight S4: TGP Global Finals Preview

The Great Push returns for Dragonflight Season 4, and we're ready to dive into the Global Finals action starting on Friday, July 19th! Learn about a few exciting new changes to the tournament format, the six teams heading into the Finals, and our predictions for the outcome of this weekend's fierce competition.

Dragonflight S4: TGP Group B Preview

The Great Push returns for Dragonflight Season 4, with Group B facing off, starting on Friday, July 12th! Learn about a few exciting new changes to the tournament format, the teams of Group B, and our predictions for the outcome of this weekend's fierce competition.

Dragonflight S4: TGP Group A Preview

The Great Push returns for Dragonflight Season 4, with Group A facing off, starting on Friday, July 5th! Learn about a few exciting new changes to the tournament format, the teams of Group A, and our predictions for the outcome of this weekend's fierce competition.

Community Spotlight: Mistress Minty

Join us as we chat with content creator, cosplayer, and August Celestials disciple Mistress Minty! Learn about her hobbies, why she loves Mistweaver monk, the inspiration that drives her creative work, and more!

Raiding 101: Cliques

In this chapter of Raiding 101, we discuss one of the most popular and pervasive topics to plague guild leadership: Cliques. Learn how to identify and navigate cliques in your community and develop some strategies for preventing or mitigating them.

Raiding 101: Groups and Guild Mergers

In this chapter of Raiding 101, we discuss the prospect of integrating a new guild structure into your own via a guild merger. We explore the common downfalls of guild mergers, and make recommendations for successfully navigating the process to create a new, blended community.

Raiding 101: Supporting Guildies in Crisis

In this chapter of Raiding 101, we discuss ways in which your leadership team can support and assist community members facing mental health struggles, from checking in on them, to providing resources, to offering comfort and companionship on a difficult day.

Raiding 101: Social, Casual, and Friend-of-Friend Members

In this chapter of Raiding 101, we discuss social members, raid team hopefuls, and word-of-mouth applicants. Read on for tips on how to address the unique situations that may arise from welcoming these new members.

The RWF Awards: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope!

It's time yet again for the Raider.IO RWF Awards! Check out all the nominees for the RWF Awards for the recent 10.2 Amirdrassil Race, and vote on your favourites! Support your favourite guilds, players, orgs, and memes... voting is open NOW until 11:59pm PDT on Tuesday, December 19th.

BlizzCon Guild Clash: First Look at Season 3 Mythic+ Dungeons

BlizzCon 2023 returned after a 3-year hiatus, and with it came the epic Guild Clash event, featuring Mythic+ faceoffs between four WoW esports teams to showcase several of the upcoming dungeons of Dragonflight Season 3. Join us as we share highlights of this unique event and some dungeon routes performed – generated by RaiderIO's very own Auto Route Creator!

Raiding 101: Preparing Your Guild for a New Tier

With Amirdrassil soon opening its gates, this Raiding 101 chapter breaks down some top considerations for guild leaders to make when preparing their teams for a new raid tier.

Raiding 101: Guild Communication

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. In this chapter, learn about how to develop and encourage a culture of transparency and open communication within your community.

Raiding 101: Team Morale

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. This week, learn about how to counter some of the biggest issues leading to a crash in raid team morale.

Raiding 101: Conflict Management Part 2

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. In this second installment of our miniseries on conflict management, learn how to reduce the chances of conflict, when to intervene in a disagreement, and how to walk your team through conflict resolution.

Raiding 101: Conflict Management - Part 1

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. Today, learn more about how to handle and encourage conflict resolution when faced with disagreements between guild members, with additional tips for addressing disagreements involving a member of your officer team.

Raiding 101: Performance Management

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. Today, learn more about setting performance expectations for your raid team, and how to ensure that those expectations are met throughout your team's progression.

Raiding 101: Is Loot Council Right For Us?

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. Today, learn more about the pros and cons of using a loot council system, and discover some important details to consider if you plan to implement loot council for your raid team.

Raiding 101: Choosing Your Officers

There are countless things to account for when running a raiding guild and it may feel overwhelming. Our Raiding 101 series aims to break everything down for you. Today, learn more about how to identify exceptional officer candidates, construct an officer team, and delegate responsibilities.

Team Liquid's Eve Ascension Returns September 30th!

Eve Ascension returns to World of Warcraft with another Mythic+ Tournament! Register today with your team for the Qualifiers for your chance to play in the Eve Ascension Championship! Over $8,000 in prize money is up for grabs in this Tournament series dedicated to showcasing the skill and talent of women and gender minorities in World of Warcraft.

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