
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 7 weeks ago

About Perpetua

<Perpetua> Draenor - EU

Since its founding Perpetua has gone from strength to strength in our push for Cutting Edge.

-T22 - 7/8 M

-T23 - 9/9 M (Cutting Edge)

-T24 - 2/2 H

-T25 - 8/8 M (Cutting Edge)

-T26 12/12M (Cutting Edge)

We’re a laid back bunch, mostly from the UK, with the goal of going as far as we can, as fast as we can. However we’re (mostly) all adults, and can’t play WoW as much as we used to and so maintain a smaller raid schedule that is well suited for those with a busier schedule. Outside of raiding you can usually find our raiders doing a variety of activities, from mount collecting to high M+.

Raid Schedule (Server Time)

Wednesday 20:30 - 23:00

Sunday 20:30 - 23:00

We also run optional alt / boost runs on Saturday

Currently Recruiting

Tank : Open

Healer :Open

RDPS : Open

MDPS : Open

If your class is not listed above, but feel you still have something to bring to the guild then do still get in touch.

What We Expect From Our Raider


You should be able to maintain above 95% attendance during progression. We understand that personal life comes first, and our members may need to miss a day every now and then, however we only raid 5 hours a week, and if you can’t make that work regularly then this is not the guild for you.

During your trial period, we would expect 100% attendance.


It should go without saying, but you should know how to play your class. We don’t expect rank 1 DPS, but you should be comfortable with the class / spec you’re playing so that you can focus on the mechanics of the fight. If you’re the type of person to focus meter’s whilst getting hit by mechanics, then this is not the guild for you.

Whilst log percentage is not always a clear reflection of your abilities, we would expect greater than 50% on average.


Above all else, the most important thing for us is you’re attitude. We would rather have someone who plays there class to an acceptable level and is a pleasure to raid with, over someone who excels but makes the rest of the raid group miserable as a result.


We do not require our raiders to maintain alts and we will never ask a raider to re-roll unless they themselves wish to. However, a number of our active roster choose to maintain 1 or more alts, and the ability to provide more flexibility when discussing rosters is always appreciated.

As we do not ask our raiders to maintain alts, we aim to maintain an active roster of around 25 people. If being asked to sit out a boss for progression purposes is not something you can handle, then we are not the guild for you.

Contact Info

If Perpetua sounds like the place for you then please fill out an application on our site here -

Alternatively feel free to contact a member of the officer team for more info.

Ebon: Ebon#21191 (BNet)

Last updated 222 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ebondh

Officers: Classfhero, Cuckywan, Naraframe

About Perpetua

<Perpetua> Draenor - EU

Since its founding Perpetua has gone from strength to strength in our push for Cutting Edge.

-T22 - 7/8 M

-T23 - 9/9 M (Cutting Edge)

-T24 - 2/2 H

-T25 - 8/8 M (Cutting Edge)

-T26 12/12M (Cutting Edge)

We’re a laid back bunch, mostly from the UK, with the goal of going as far as we can, as fast as we can. However we’re (mostly) all adults, and can’t play WoW as much as we used to and so maintain a smaller raid schedule that is well suited for those with a busier schedule. Outside of raiding you can usually find our raiders doing a variety of activities, from mount collecting to high M+.

Raid Schedule (Server Time)

Wednesday 20:30 - 23:00

Sunday 20:30 - 23:00

We also run optional alt / boost runs on Saturday

Currently Recruiting

Tank : Open

Healer :Open

RDPS : Open

MDPS : Open

If your class is not listed above, but feel you still have something to bring to the guild then do still get in touch.

What We Expect From Our Raider


You should be able to maintain above 95% attendance during progression. We understand that personal life comes first, and our members may need to miss a day every now and then, however we only raid 5 hours a week, and if you can’t make that work regularly then this is not the guild for you.

During your trial period, we would expect 100% attendance.


It should go without saying, but you should know how to play your class. We don’t expect rank 1 DPS, but you should be comfortable with the class / spec you’re playing so that you can focus on the mechanics of the fight. If you’re the type of person to focus meter’s whilst getting hit by mechanics, then this is not the guild for you.

Whilst log percentage is not always a clear reflection of your abilities, we would expect greater than 50% on average.


Above all else, the most important thing for us is you’re attitude. We would rather have someone who plays there class to an acceptable level and is a pleasure to raid with, over someone who excels but makes the rest of the raid group miserable as a result.


We do not require our raiders to maintain alts and we will never ask a raider to re-roll unless they themselves wish to. However, a number of our active roster choose to maintain 1 or more alts, and the ability to provide more flexibility when discussing rosters is always appreciated.

As we do not ask our raiders to maintain alts, we aim to maintain an active roster of around 25 people. If being asked to sit out a boss for progression purposes is not something you can handle, then we are not the guild for you.

Contact Info

If Perpetua sounds like the place for you then please fill out an application on our site here -

Alternatively feel free to contact a member of the officer team for more info.

Ebon: Ebon#21191 (BNet)

Last updated 222 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ebondh

Officers: Classfhero, Cuckywan, Naraframe

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 579
GroupID: 558705
GuildID: 152842

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 7 weeks ago